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Comments for: Morons like "hahaha" will LOVE this!
Balloo Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2004 04:58PM

The bigoted anti-Iraqi, Bushler ass-kissing by some on this site disgust me.

And before you anti-gay freaks crawl out from under your rock, this is NOT a "gay" issue... This is about torture, rape and WAR CRIMES.

But then I bet you're PROUD of these "heroes", aren't you? You pieces of shit disgust me!
Hozemaster Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2004 03:37AM

Listen Balloo if you don't like our country get in your god damn boat and row the fuck back. Do you wanna talk about torture? Do you think the iraqi's fed jessica lynch cake and mother fucking ice cream you fucking ass clown? How about our POW's of the vietnam conflict and korean war? Do you think they put them up in Taj-Mahal like suites? GO FUCK YOURSELF. How about the next time some terroists come after the US we send them to your house or the houses of your loved ones and see how you react. Take your christian message and shove it up your filthy ass cunt.
DevilDog Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2004 05:51AM

Balloo imagine being put in a wood chipper alive. They did that to there own people before we got there. I dont agree with everthing that has occured in the prisons but like I said its better that being fed to a would chipper feet first. I have spent my time in the middle east so take it or leave it.
Joint Star Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2004 11:50PM

I just did another 3 months there..... I dont agree with what they did... but I understand. You have to get your hands dirty sometimes to protect your brothers and sisters out there DYING EVERY DAY! So those fucking terrorits can lick my balls. Like I said.. i dont agree.. but I understand.
joshko Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2004 07:49AM

to all u sick fucks still in the dark. u talkin' about 'nam, korea, terrorists and shit. if you americans weren't such sheeps (beee), and u would listen to the whole world who's desperatly trying to give u a message... u stick your nose in god damn every thing u can and from where u can get benefits from. every goverment is a bitch, but yours is like "c'mon it was a joke, nation, we didn't mean that!" and u still fucking belive them. u never had "the real" war on your soil! ON YOUR HOMELAND! u were fighting alright in WW2 and we all appriciate it, but your casulties were minimal; that's not even a point. u have enough crime and rasiszm u can share it! before u the term "terrorist" was known only in books! stop judging everyone else for your losses! AND OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES ALREDAY! dumbasses... and if u can "understand" but not aprove... u're still just a passive fuck, wathcing the gore come along.
Balloo Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2004 09:43AM

Hozemaster, I wouldn't set FOOT in your filthy, bigoted, fucked-up undemocratic bullshit country for all the tea in China. If I was going to relocate, it'd be to a CIVILIZED country.

As for the rest, all you're saying is that rape, torture and terrorism are all right when YOU do it.

And you morons STILL don't understand why 9/11 happened. You probably still won't whenever the next one does, either. And if you keep up with THIS kind of shit, raping CHILDREN and then trying to DEFEND it, there WILL be another one.

But you sick fucks will all try and blame anyone but yourselves. You are not only arrogant, you're stupid!
haaaaaaa Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2004 10:36PM

sodomised mmmmmmmm nice!

Bill Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2004 08:19PM

I agree that we (United States)probably don't have a clue when it comes to other countries and their actions or our own countries actions. Problem is that you're preaching to the choir here. How can America elect a president that isn't in office for self benefit if one has the chance to run or be elected. You're talking to the people that go to work everyday and put forth their best effort in order to make our country better. What you see in the news is the asshole politicians that think they run the country. As far as not having a war on our soil....we would have had we not intervined in some ugly situations. It's really kind of ironic that you're biting the hand that feeds you. How many countries has the U.S. helped financially and with our Military? Hundreds of times....If we didn't go to war in 1941, Europe and half the world would be nothing but a communist shithole. It's obvious that you don't understand democracy or you'd want to be a part of a free country. Even though that some of our politicians are assholes and money hungry, I don't ever have to worry about some towelhead carrying a bomb into my house. It's not the politicians that defend our country, it's the American People! The ones that bust their ass to earn everything that they've got. It's unfortunate that because of some assholes in Iraq the troops are having trouble providing basic needs for the Iraqi people. I'm sorry that you watch too much television and read too many're missing out on what a democracy really is. It's the everyday people that make this country free, not the rich, not the politicians, but everyday ordinary people.
ZZZ Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2004 07:09PM

Bush = Hitler II
Enuf said
frank Report This Comment
Date: August 01, 2004 10:51PM

"If we didn't go to war in 1941, Europe and half the world would be nothing but a communist shithole."

The war started in 1939. Thanks for rushing.
Bill Report This Comment
Date: August 02, 2004 04:49PM

"The war started in 1939. Thanks for rushing."

You ungrateful Bastard!

frank Report This Comment
Date: August 09, 2004 11:23PM

"You ungrateful Bastard!" from Bill

I didn't say I didn't appreciate America's efforts in WW2. I do, however, question how you could sit back on your asses and let MILLIONS of people DIE, both completely innocent and military.

The only point you joined the war was when YOU were attacked! It had *NOTHING* to do with "communism", it had *NOTHING* to do with helping others, it was ENTIRELY after YOU were attacked, and caught with your pants down despite the state of the world I might add!

Just like the IRA attacked the British for decades, all of a sudden terrorism is an issue when somebody flies a plane into a building in America? What about the hundreds of years this shit has been going on in the rest of the world? It's only after it happens to you that ANY of you give a fuck.
k Report This Comment
Date: August 10, 2004 05:28AM

A toast to Balloo!
Psion Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2004 04:49AM

hey.. I'll put it to you like this:
Yes.. I'm an AMERICAN who thinks GW and most politicians are ASS CLOWNS (thankfully I live in a country where I can say that aloud)
YES.. I think GW Senior should have let us finish Iraq in 91.
I was there then.. I saw the shit Saddam and his little "Elite" army where doing to over 60,000 (amd that's NOT a typo) Kurds every year.. the man deserves to be exterminated! His people should have the very basic tenants of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that EVERY ONE of us on this planet (and in this site) exercise daily.. yet they do not. Bin Laden? He's too much of a pussy to do a damn thing on his own, but he will keep using the term "Jihad" in such a fucked up way that it'll keep bigotry of TRUE Muslims at an all time high. OH, and before you ask.. every military organization in the world has been hunting terrorists for YEARS now.. including the US. 9/11 brought that war to the forefront when citizens.. CIVIE's from over 110 different countries where SLAUGHTERED by some fanatical asshole who probably watched it happen live on cnn while getting a blowjob from a SHEEP! If you friggin thing the US is so bad.. move the fuck out! Or if your one of those "bleeding heart fucksticks" from another country.. why don't you take your white, pompous ass and go live in the middle east.. and not in some compound for oil workers either.. pick your shit up and LIVE THERE.. tell me what it's like to KNOW your phone calls are being monitored.. that your being followed and video taped by various para-military, gov't sponsored organizations.. tell me what it's like to be persecuted, tortured, interrogated with NO RIGHTS. Then.. you come back on this site and tell me how much you "LOVE" them fucks after they've wacked off your nuts or performed a very forceful, totally unsanitary female circumcision on you and your loved ones. In other words, if you havne't been there, and your living your life thru BBC, CNN and MSNBC.. SHUT THE FUCK UP! The media is about profits and ratings.. sex, violence, and scandal make all those go thru the roof to you bleeding heart tree hugging fuckers.. it's YOUR fault all we see about Iraq is the news of death, destruction, and this bullshit about someone getting "fucked"... Bizatch Please!
Safecracker Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2004 04:53PM

What more can be said. If the U.S.A. is hated so much, how come most people in the world would give their left nut to live here? Are we perfect, no. But name a better country on this earth.
Friend Bat Report This Comment
Date: September 20, 2004 08:44PM

Canada, Great Britan, Holland, France, Switzerland, Japan...
Name a greedier, more bellicose, selfish nation on this earth. And dont try and claim that it's Iraq. Saddam never tried to claim that the atrocities that he committed were in the name of justice, Saddam never used nuclear weapons against a civilian population, etc. Yes, he is an evil man,but what country gave him weapons in the 80's? certainly he massacred hundreds of thousands of Kurds, but what country imposed sanctions upon Iraq that resulted in the deaths of millions of Iraqi children...this being said, I love The concept of america, I love the Land of the Free...but the way to defend it isnt by antogonising the rest of the world. it isnt by "precision bombing" civilians. It isnt by staging pre-emptive invasions of nations that dont threaten us (which, if memory serves, is what hitler did to poland...didnt that start a war or something?). We would all do well to remember that if 9/11 had truly been an on attack Freedom and America Rather than on Capitalism and Greed we would have lost the Statue of Liberty rather than the Twin Towers. all this war has truly done is kill innocents, antagonise a large portion of the world and make Bush and Cheney's friends a lot richer.
ThePowerOfXtc Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2004 01:53AM

I don't like it just because Ballo submitted it
geezer Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2004 06:10AM

Balloo's just mad because he missed all the fun.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 30, 2004 04:21PM

July 17, 2004, 10:37 pm Hozemaster@116181 said :
Listen Balloo if you don't like our country get in your god damn boat and row the fuck back. Do you wanna talk about torture? Do you think the iraqi's fed jessica lynch cake and mother fucking ice cream you fucking ass clown? How about our POW's of the vietnam conflict and korean war? Do you think they put them up in Taj-Mahal like suites? GO FUCK YOURSELF. How about the next time some terroists come after the US we send them to your house or the houses of your loved ones and see how you react. Take your christian message and shove it up your filthy ass cunt.

July 22, 2004, 3:19 pm Bill@4079
It's really kind of ironic that you're biting the hand that feeds you. How many countries has the U.S. helped financially and with our Military? Hundreds of times....If we didn't go to war in 1941, Europe and half the world would be nothing but a communist shithole. It's obvious that you don't understand democracy or you'd want to be a part of a free country

fuckin right all the way! this is an argument that could go on for ages, but its not worth it, because no one can win. america is the better country, all of these 3rd world countries need help from us. its not our fault, its there sorry ass leaders. if it wasnt for america most of those countries wouldnt even be there. and how do you get that bush is hitler II ? he is by no means any thing like hitler. you fuckers just throw shit out there to feel good about your selves. bush hasnt killed anyone, nope, i dont think he has a genocide on his record. yeah...tell me where the comparison is coming in to play buds
DevilDog Report This Comment
Date: February 05, 2005 01:05PM

hahahaha is sick but funny alteast!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 04, 2005 02:15PM

president bush and tony blair need locking up in a padded room raped continuously until they realise how some of the poor bastards feel, but knowing those to sick mentalists they would probably enjoy it, the hatred the world should have for these two morons is beyond belief.