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Bush disaster hits again !
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Bush disaster hits again !

"a man in a suit speaking into a microphone"

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Comments for: Bush disaster hits again !
me_one Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2005 12:04AM

Ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2005 12:47AM

Got to admit, that's funny!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2005 02:39AM

Hmmmmm.....define "disaster". Let's see now, three FREE AND OPEN elections in a country that had never had any chance to determine its own destiny and freed of a dictator that murdered hundreds of thousands of his own citizens, many thousands gassed to death, men, women and children alike.
This is a disaster? Damn, we need a bunch more disasters to happen.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2005 03:09AM

Now they are just like the USA who freely and openly elected a dictator that murdered over 2000 and counting of his own people and over 35000 people in Iraq. Real progress.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2005 03:45AM


You are deluding yourself. The Shia (the smae strain a islam as Iranians practice) voted for an islamic state. That is the worst possible scenario. The results of this election will cause a full blown civil war and americans will be a 3rd party to it.

Saddam was better than an islamic state.

Saddam never gassed the Kurds. Iran did. DIA proved it.

The US attributed those deaths to Saddam when it was just the internal civil war that is occuring now between sunni and shia. White boys from

Washington don't know shit about muslim culture. Hell you don't know shit about it either.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2005 05:24AM

Let's see if the Libs can find some hanging chads..
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2005 05:40AM

Conservatives in America better hope there are millions of hanging chads in the Iraqi election. Otherwise Bush continue to look like a dumb ass.

Bush will have toppled a stable harmless dictator and installed an Islamic government.

Brilliant !

Iraq ... I mean Iran II.

anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2005 08:19AM

Harmless? Maybe to you, personally, but quite a few Iraqis would disagree.
The_truths_a_BITCH_aint_it Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2005 09:33AM

144161 Nailed it. Good Work. The military people who post on this site's opinion doesn't count in my opinion because in order to be successful at what they do, they've been conditioned to question nothing and execute orders. It might make a good soldier. But it makes for truly shitty civil responsiblity.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2005 06:31PM


Only to shia who believe Saddam was in control of sunni militia groups that terrorized shia. Meanwhile shia had their on militia groups killing sunnis.

Stop believing the US propaganda. Then you might know what has/is going on in Iraq.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2005 06:57PM

Some people need to learn to read & listen
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2005 07:24PM


Read and listen to what ? American media ? LOL ! The parrots of propaganda.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2005 01:19AM

Hey 'truths a a bitch',your opinion is so valuable to everyone you fucking dickwad.I serve my country and believe in something above my own perogatives.Your nothing but a fucking coward with talk like that.What the fuck do you know about civil responsibility.
Beast,the American Media shoots Bush down at every opportunity so I guess you like the parrots.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2005 10:44PM


Truth ? the american media ? LOL!

I'm a coward ? because I can tell it how it is ? I don't think so. You just want to live on some false glory and nostalgia that the US can do no wrong.

Any person worth a shit is more critical of themselves than others. that extends to being more critical of your country as well.