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democratic force
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democratic force

"a man and woman with their hands up"

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Comments for: democratic force
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2007 02:46AM

What is an Pararell Universe ? Eva Von Braun and Tony Blair are married to each other and Merge N Germany , England , Wales , and Scotland into : GermangleWaScotl !
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2007 03:19AM

By the way the MSM portrays political life calling the Democratic party the NAZI party looks right, we see that when uncle Bill fires all 93 federal Judges nothing happens no Idiot reporter in the MSM reports it or much less fights it; but when Bush fires a much smaller number ALL HELL breaks loose, a double standard Yes indeed. And when Busn pardons Libby again ALL HELL breaks loose but nobody in the MSM remembers all the hundreds of pardons that uncle Bill gave to CRIMINALS, yes indeed this world of ours has a double standard and I DON'T FUCKING LIKE IT.
finger smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2007 03:50AM

Sorry, but it's true. The Nazis were right wingers -- not liberals.

Hillary is much closer to Karl Mark or Joseph Stalin.

George Bush is closer to Adolph Hitler or Benito Mussolini.

Liberals like socialism, where the government makes sure everyone gets equal shares of everything - no matter how hard (or how little) they work.

Coservatives like fascism, where the elite rules the working class and the government basically owns everything.

Both systems suck. So far, the best society in the world has been what the US is at present - a socialist republic.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2007 11:10AM

I wouldn't mind a little socialism, anything I have I had to pay for. I am given nothing.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 16, 2007 12:12AM

"Sorry, but it's true. The Nazis were right wingers -- not liberals."
Hillary is much closer to Karl Marx or Joseph Stalin.
George Bush is closer to Adolph Hitler or Benito Mussolini.

-Forrest Gump

finger smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 16, 2007 10:18AM

So I guess you think Bush will remain in office after his term is over then?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 16, 2007 05:42PM

!SWEET!, we need somebody that will kick those f**ing ragheads..
smileys with beersmileys with beersmileys with beerthumbs
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2007 12:29PM

Well Bush will be leaving office January '09 and unfortunately he will be replaced by a weak kneed wimp who will remain politically correct which will allow the Islamic radicals to grow, prosper and spread thoughout the Islamic religion. There are too many people in the world who don't think Islam is dangerous and when they finally find out the truth it will be too late to prevent their "great holy war".
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2007 11:55PM

Blah Blah Blah. Just like what the neo-Cons said about Vietnam and the "Domino Theory" in South East Asia, too. That argument proved to be as false as their arguments about terror today. After the U.S. pulled out of Vietnam, exactly two countries fell to Communism under the Vietnamese - Laos and Cambodia.

Eisenhower was right about the military-industrial complex. Coincidentally, he was the last honest Republican to hold the Presidency.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2007 11:46AM

Let's go ahead and leave Iraq now, Al Qaeda needs a country that size and location to continue to grow undisturbed.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2007 01:25PM