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Have you got your Golden Ticket yet....
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Have you got your Golden Ticket yet....

"a yellow sign with black text"

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Comments for: Have you got your Golden Ticket yet....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 13, 2006 06:10PM

what kkk member posted this ?
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: April 13, 2006 08:07PM

That's right. Nothing KKK about it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 13, 2006 08:51PM

Its most likily uploaded by some Bush asskissing Right-Wing Bigot. The uploader or people like them seem to say nothing of the rip off of U.S. taxpayer money that went to companies to aid storm victims and very little aid to victims took place. Here in my hometown more than a few Hotels billed FEMA for rooms rented to shelter storm victims and did not have people signed to those rooms. Thats just one example of Corp. Ripoff of tax money. I could give more examples but you get the picture!
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: April 14, 2006 12:33AM

sniff...sniff...whaaaaaa! It's Bush's fault!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 14, 2006 01:36AM

Yes I cry also when I think of the MESS that the Bush crime family as made of the U.S. !
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: April 14, 2006 03:40AM

90130_ Report This Comment
Date: April 14, 2006 03:41AM

rogues31 Report This Comment
Date: April 14, 2006 04:51AM

obviouly the only qualification is a divorce settlement
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: April 14, 2006 05:08AM

Anonymous@9240, How do you correlate crooked Hotel management being connected to the effort FEMA put into the Katrina situation? If you knew that "more than a few Hotels billed FEMA" for empty rooms, AND I stress, KNEW, that was going on, then it was your duty to annotate it and contact the proper authorities. You didn't, so that makes you an accomplice. In turn, it's ASSHOLES like you that cost us taxpayers money because you are too much of a coward to simply report law-breakers justice so justice may be served
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 14, 2006 10:17AM

Hey DICK HEAD!!! The FEMA Hotel payment issue was uncovered by current and former employees of the Hotels. FEMA was already seeking repayment of funds long before I found out ASSWIPE! Fact of the Matter is you Right-WIngs do not give a damn about where tax money goes when is White corporate America feeding from the tax payers pockets. YOU people and the Bush monkey have spent this nation in a hole that will take years to dig out of. YES Iam A lib Democrat and I will not go running in to the night!!!
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: April 15, 2006 04:36AM

NICE!!!!Now that you have nothing to say but offensive comments, it's just the vice-versa. GOP members tax and ensure it's spent accordingly. Liberal Democrats just LOVE to tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax tax ; Then maybe figure where they are going to spend it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 15, 2006 02:41PM

You are right they do that very well. The GOP has spent the U.S. to the point now that we are in debt to China,Japan and others. By the way Bush has borrowed more money to service the U.S. huge debt than All other Presidents combined. OH Nine....have you seen the recent Bush poll numbers? A good 70% in the U.S. thinks Bush SUCKS !
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 15, 2006 03:47PM

Whiny assed niggas.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 15, 2006 05:23PM

Truth Hurts does it not? Bush and FAILURE both words one in the same!
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: April 25, 2006 04:23AM

"Anonymous@9240", I don't give two shits about Bush's poll numbers. That's him. I am a self thinking, moderate, Republican. For some reason, you Tree-Hugging, Facist, LIBERALS, think that every time a Republican does something extraordinary, WE BACK IT UP............NO, we don't. At least ME....I take it as it comes
drunkelmo Report This Comment
Date: May 09, 2006 05:37PM

the ticket is a fucking joke. laugh at it then move on. I am from the new orleans area and had damage to my house and most of my friends and family is homeless, but u dont see me bitching about who is to blame. y because it is a FUCKING JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!