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We are searching for justice, and hope USA is too...
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We are searching for justice, and hope USA is too...

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Comments for: We are searching for justice, and hope USA is too...
Mint Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 09:50AM

she is a no body so it wasnt assassination.
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 09:56AM

It is not her who as killed, it was the man who freed her, in her case it is just attempted assassination....or am I misunderastanding your irony as usual (not easy for a non native english speaker to get understand irony in english)
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 09:58AM

I just noticed I did make lots of grammar errors...never mind, I guess the contents are understandable, however, I wrote Routers but I meant Reuters, of course smiling
Mint Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 12:19PM

naa what i meant was assassination is when its a murder of political importance. like assassinating a president or activist. killing a reporter is just murder
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 12:33PM

Ah, I didn't know that, thus the Italian "assassinio" (or "omicidio"winking
smiley means "murder", we don't have a word for assassination then, unless we don't add the adjective "politico".
Thanks for the explanation smiling

This means that in the image, when I wrote "assassination" I actually meant "murder".
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 01:26PM

mkcerusky,does the rusky hint of you being russian or just pro russian? you should have been riding in the car with the bitch.I am quite sure she was pro American,YEA! RIGHT. TOO! BAD you were not along for the ride.any way two words for you.PISS OFF.
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 01:41PM

Anonymous@229173 are you back to the times of the cold war? It is over, did anyone ever tell you? Or are you like those japanese soldiers in pacific islands that for some years kept fighting without knowing that the war was over? your eyes and learn to judje from facts instead of offending freely people.
Thanks smiling
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 01:59PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 02:17PM

it isnt "inroll" you dumb mother's enroll. Where the fuck did you go to school?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 02:54PM

The same school that teaches you to add question marks to the end of a statement and type in capitals.
Black_Trans_Am Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 02:56PM

Wow, lots of brilliant commentary this morning.
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 03:48PM

I wonder how many languages does anonymous@229173 speak ...I am not a native english speaker, of course I make mistakes, and you?
hosbro Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 03:53PM

ok ...lets ignore all the grammatical errors in his comment and focus on the main idea....the question was "why did they get shot?"...the answer is because the American soldiers working the checkpoint to enter the American base probably thought it was a possible car bombing attack and felt that "deadly force" was necessary in the I'm sure that the soldiers at the check point were told to open fire on anyone driving a car through the maze of barriers set up to prevent car bombings if they failed to follow the procedure the entrance signs "outlined"...these signs are surely written in at least two languages if not more...don't know if italian was one of the languages but if you are "doing rescues" in another country, it's necessary to know the language or have an interpretor...if the speed limit says 10 mph you had better not be doing 50 mph (and yes I know about the Km thing)...this same thing has happened in our own country when a Group leader tried to test out the effiency of his men by running the check point at a nuclear sub base....he caught a bullet to the head because he didn't follow the checkpoint procedure...a full investigation followed which cleared the soldiers which will probably be the case in this situation....just to let you know the superiors in charge of this situation will not hesitate to place the blame on a "grunt" as seen in the prisoner abuse scandal that previously "haunted" American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan if any "wrong doing" is found in the into that last statement as you will...most likely, nobody of importance stands to be accused if it is found that a communication breakdown caused the shooting....still if I was driving a non-military vehicle through a checkpoint I would follow the rules explicitly....I would be tempted to walk with my hand above my head in the universal surrender pose towards the gate just so that no mistake could be made...those soldiers are not using BB guns and they are told to shoot first and ask questions later
hosbro Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 03:58PM

oops hands over my head...before someone assumes I don't know how to write or that I only have one hand
hosbro Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 04:05PM

we are at war folks...shit happens....mistakes will be made....I'm a true skeptic but I really don't feel that assassinating a reporter and two italian agents was "pivotal" in someones "evil conspiracy to Rule the World"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 04:25PM

blah blah blah it must be monday, bash america day
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 04:38PM

mkcerusky, I'm not going to pretend I know all the circumstances of the shooting. But don't you think it is possible this was a tragic accident???? You are sitting in your safe chair behind your computer, so I very much doubt that you can comprehend the incessant fear of being an American soldier in Iraq. Every day they hear about a colleague being killed. There are suicide car bombers EVERYWHERE. They come out of nowhere and you have VERY little time to act and save yourself. I'm sure every second, the soldiers that get checkpoint duty are stressed out to breaking point,looking for any possible threat such as a jihadist car bomber. Iraq is an INCREDIBLY dangerous place, and that airport road is THE MOST DANGEROUS in Iraq. The notion that the US soldiers purposely shot up an Italian rescue operation is LUDICROUS!!!! All this theory confirms is that Italians really are an incredibly emotional people, ready to accept the most sensationalist explanation for anything. And on a second thought, that Italian anti-american journalist really should not be in Iraq, trying to drum up support for withdrawing Italian forces in Iraq. All she is doing is providing the terrorists with a kidnap target so that they can demand millions in ransom, which go to fund further killings of innocent people.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 05:02PM

Amazing. Almost everything Anthony said here about how dangerous being in Iraq is true, and yet there are people who gloss over how bad things are, and pretend that we're 'winning', and we're 'doing fine' over there. Maybe I'm not over there myself, and maybe some soldiers think things are getting better, but things like this keep happening, all too frequently to be random chance, and you can tell your families and yourselves that these are isolated incidents and don't indicate how things really are over there, but...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 05:46PM

I know I spelled enroll wrong,2 people talking to me & the dog was barking asshole.Did I spell asshole right?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 06:01PM

It's hard to think any intelligent life exist in ITALY when they follow people like Benito Mussolini & the Pope. Then of all things elect Benito Mussolini's Granddaughter to office.Why would speeding to a road block by Italians supprise you?
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 07:04PM

Well, it is very obvious Giuliana Sgrena is using the tragic death of the intelligence officer to further her own anti-american agenda. She's a journalist for a communist newspaper, and she is well know for her fierce opposition to the Iraq war and American policies. She is suggesting that the US deliberately targeted her car because they oppose the way Italy readily pays huge ransoms for hostages. The word ABSURD just doesn't do justice to this belief, and I think it is shows questionable principles to use the death of one of her fellow countrymen to further her personal beliefs. And again, as a side note, readily paying ransoms for hostages only endangers everyone as it provides motivation for further kidnappings. Italians must be highly prized kidnap targets in the Iraqi terrorist circles.
Timmeh Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 08:14PM

USA being incredibely stupid again, the supposedly best trained best equiped army in the world manages to shoot the wrong person again. Friendly fire from Americans was the highest killer among British soldiers during the first gulf war and it is one of their major killers again. When American soldiers can't even tell the difference between a British tank and a 50 year old Russian tank something can't be right. Even their 50 million dollar missiles manage to 'miss' the terrorists hideouts and hit schools or mosques perfectly. This won't be the last time the American army fucks up
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 08:16PM

That is what they get for being in a war zone. Stay out if you want to live. Stop trying to make a tax free dollar by working as a contractor...stop trying to get the best story as a journalist...the 19 and 20 year olds that are fighting over there want to come home without being carried in a box. If they shoot a car that appears be it.
Mint Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 10:20PM

Timmeh that is the first time i ever heard that. please link to an article showing americans killed more british during the first gulf war
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2005 10:35PM

Timmeh, in March of 2003 in Southern Iraq, a British Challenger tank fired on another British Challenger tank during an engagement with the enemy, killing 2 soldiers. A British military spokesman said "Regardless of the careful planning and measures taken in the type of operations in which we are engaged and in the heat of battle there is always a risk that incidents such as this might happen."

Friendly fire accidents are a problem for ANY country's armed forces during actual combat, as people are understandably fearing for their lives and make mistakes, something most of us cannot fully understand.

mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: March 08, 2005 10:49AM

Hoewever the americans already changes their official version, stating that actually they knew everything about that car and confirming that the car had already passed several checkpoints and hypotising that probably it was a matter of coordination with the particular group of soldiers that shooted...that is thei are going in the direction of conferming the italian version.
Moreover, when I say I would like things to be cleared and justice to be done, I am simply referring the case of the Chermiss tragedy in which USA refused to process their soldiers and they even gave a medal to one of them, thus, us italians are never so sure that USA processes their soldiers for murders performed outside USA.
Perhaps now things are different because of previous scandals that happened in Iraq, I simply hope so.
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: March 08, 2005 11:56AM

See the official italian version here:
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 09, 2005 02:34AM

Maybe someone should have told these people these are battlegrounds. This is the same crap we always hear about journalists during times of war, unrest, police actions etc. They are duly warned and well aware of the risks. A journalists job is to seek and report on controversy. The more controversial the better their exposure, reputation and status in their field. Regardless of responsibility, you can be assured this situation is being sensationalized.
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: March 09, 2005 09:21AM

The killed man was not a journalist, was an agent of the sismi, that is italian secret agents.
By the way, USA accepted to collaborate with italy in clearing up everything, so maybe, THIS time, justice will be done.
Moreover, sgrena declared clearly last night that she never said that they wanted to kill HER, but simply that they shot for killing, no matter who was in the car. She also explained that what she said in the videos divulgated by the terrorists it was the result of imposition.
Finally, when the car was shot, it had already stopped.
Evrything indicates that there has been some error, could it be in the communication among americans, or in the behaviour of the soldiers that shot, but there must have been an error, which is witnessed also by the fact that the american soldiers interrupted the telephone call between the italian soldier and the italian governament, why did they do it? Were they afraid of what the italian soldier was telling to our governament? Why should they have been so sorry and so afraid if they had done everything perfectly well as you are stating?
The main reason why here in Italy, unless a collaborative investigation is done, do not believe the american version to be true, is simply because in the past, in other situations involving Italy and USA, USA simply hidden the truth and tried to do everything do protect their faulty killer, see again the case of the Cermis: if your memory is short, our is not!
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: March 09, 2005 09:24AM

In other words, we only hope that THIS time, for the FIRST time the american governament will collaborate and let the investigations go on in collaboration and that they will not hide the truth.
We also know that, even if international laws state that the soldiers should be processed in Italy, USA will never let us process them, so we want USA to be at least honest to investigate with us and to process them fairly (not like in the case of the Cermis).
They promised they are going to do so, and I want to believe them.
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: March 09, 2005 04:39PM

Mkcerusky, the pilot in the Cermis incident was court marshalled and served 6 months in prison and will never fly again. Yeah, he was originally aquitted, which really angered me, but he was court marshalled again for destroying the video tape evidence, and I think the judge took that opportunity to make sure justice was served. I think one problem is that Americans watch and admire too much violent action packed Rambo Top Gun type movies, and when they serve in the military they get to play with very powerful toys with a dangerous mindset.
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: March 10, 2005 03:37AM

OK about the Cermis incident. I looked into it, and like many things, it is more complicated than it first appears. The pilot had never flown in that area before. The maps issued to him did not show the cable car. His mistake was basically flying too low and too fast, but he had no idea he was endangering other peoples lives when he was flying through the mountains. The court marshall carefully examined this evidence and determined that it was an accident.
bigbooger Report This Comment
Date: March 10, 2005 08:05AM

Hey, mckerusky, are you upset that your country sucks ass? That a commie bitch didn't get her way? To bad they missed on that cunt!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: March 15, 2005 09:01AM

I thougth that finially some reasonable and polite comments were going to be written...but then bigbooger arrived lowing again down the level of the discussion, compliments for your genial intervention smiling
Farmer_Fred Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2005 05:58PM

What is with all thise Bash America Crap???

Without the US all you filthy Euro would be speaking German... Don't forget that you poor Fuc**rs
Farmer_Fred Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2005 05:58PM

What is with all thise Bash America Crap???

Without the US all you filthy Euro would be speaking German... Don't forget that you poor Fuc**rs