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Why did we Elect Him?
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Why did we Elect Him?

"a man in a suit and tie shaking hands with a man in a military uniform"

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Comments for: Why did we Elect Him?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 03:23AM

Because he was a better choice than the bleeding heart liberal democarat jew Kerry!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 03:58AM

We didn't. The republican national party got people disqualified across the country to keep black, hispanic, and asian people from voting. They were doing everything they could, before and after the election, to make sure that sack of shit up there stayed in office. It was all over the news before and right after the election, but curiously, the papers and networks decided not to investigate further, and everything about the multiple incidents has been pretty much wiped clean from the record.
gruff Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 04:16AM

Is that Woody Harrelson in the cadet uniform?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 04:56AM

Has America ever had a free election?I don't think so but that is my personal belief,Hand picked by big companys,special interest groups.If you know how to change the system then by all means let us know.America has the best government money can buy. the American constitution was good while it lasted,I think it was tossed out the window before I was born in 1949 I've read about it though.
gruff Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 05:16AM

1949? And you read plus613 and post your political opinions on it? You poor sad little man.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 05:55AM

America gets the government it elects...and deserves.
gruff Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 06:09AM

My God that's a pithy and meaningful comment.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 07:53AM

Yeah, you know, "Anonymous@94220", they go around the country keeping Blacks and Hispanics from voting. Wow, I'm black and my wife is El Salvadorian and we had no problems voting at all! Stop making us seem like helpless gimps please!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 01:42PM

Bush, and the other fucking homos that voted for the goof need to burn in hell.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 04:14PM

You may have voted, but the ballot was thrown away after you left.
52_of_electorate_too_stupid_to Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 07:52PM

It's either stupid or greedy. Take yer pick and neither conclusion is encouraging or flattering.

If people could actually understand their own constituion we'd have impeached this sad fuck years ago.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2005 11:43PM

Is that Paul Newman?
booger12 Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2005 08:44AM

hey, Anonymous@108164. we both voted for Bush. So apparently our republican vote didn't count. Seems to fuck up your theory, huh!
gruff Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2005 06:46AM

Yes, it's Paul Newman starring with Woody Harrelson in the klassic kadet komedy "West Point Wazoo".
Kilroy Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2005 08:20AM

Ya know, no one bitched when Bill Clinton spent all his time playin the Sax and gettin blowjobs...
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 16, 2005 02:10AM

since 1996 the republicans have gained seats in the house and senate and whatever your argument the president twice in a row democrats are obstructionists at least the republicans do something even if we disagree about right or wrong they dont sit around with their thumbs up their ass like the democrats did while the first two world trade center bombings, uss cole,and sadam thumbing his nose at the u.n. for twelve years drastic measures had to be taken to stop the current trend and speaking of trends its funny the next dem candidate hillary clinton is now a hawk its funny anything to win even if its not what you really have stood for before they know their fighting a loosing cuase and are now a dying breed the more the terrorist strike the more we elect republicans its like sliting your own throat if your a terrorist
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 04:55PM

jeez anyone with a name like duane is bound to vote republican. I bet he could not even point on the map where Iraq is. Stop listening to all the posion lies of the Bush administration and actually do so serious research before you decide that its great to bomb them. The American people are gonna make enemies of the world at this, and don't say that it doesn't matter, you need the rest of the world in both import and export.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 28, 2005 01:32AM

During the election voters in "urban" areas were consistently directed to the wrong voting stations. The voting stations were also so ridiculously crowded(there were lines that lasted 10 hours) many people gave up in frustration and disgust. I hate Bush, most of the republican party and the uber-conservative agenda this country is headed towards. I think that's why I am so dissappointed in the Democratic party for not coming up with counter tactics that rivaled the underhandedness of the Republicans. And those of you who would argue that The Democrats are better than that, don't try. They just got beat to the punch.
duane Report This Comment
Date: April 01, 2005 12:50AM

36150 go fuck yourself,sorry I didnt realize you had such a tiny dick.With a name like anonymous you sound like your in the closet,fucking peter puffer.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 25, 2005 04:03AM

36150, If we don't listen to Bushes lies, whose should we listen to. Kerry's, Edward's? Or are there some other liars we need to listen to more. You and your ilk are really pathetic. You have not respect for any else or your self. You have no idea on how to make America a better place to live. All you and your ilk want to do is sit around and smoke dope and acuse anybody with a little conservitive blood of being a liar. You fail to see what your election choice was. Talk about your liar, buddy. Kerry was a class act. Why didn't he have his medical records released form his military days? Because he lied so much, it would have killed his political career. And Clinton couldn't buy him out because he was about as bad himself. If the truth was known about Hillary, she would be gone too. So mister 36150, without making any insinuations about your sexual orientation or abilities, you need to be a little more realistic and specific about what you accuse Great Leaders of. GWBush may not be the best in the US, but he was by 4 million votes, the best we had to choose from. And we won't even talk about the thousands of dead people in Ohio and Oregon that were registered by the liberals. Duane@2439 was almost right, he didn't include your tiny brain!!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 25, 2005 08:10PM

Hey! Look it that guy I voted for! I love Bush! And so does everyone else or he wouldn't be our president. Thanks for the tax rebate check. I used it to buy a gun and shoot a Democratic.