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Stealing or Borrowing?
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Stealing or Borrowing?

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Comments for: Stealing or Borrowing?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2005 07:57PM

Simple. Black=Looting. White=Borrowing with the intention of paying later.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2005 09:25PM

I agree...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2005 09:56PM

It depends if your hungry or just doing what comes naturally.
lyric101 Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2005 10:42PM

Depends on whether you live in an institutionally racist country or not - whoops, looks like you do...
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2005 11:57PM

Can I volunteer my truck to drag some TV producers behind ?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 11, 2005 12:39AM

What they neglected to show was the 42 inch plasma tv the individual in the top pic was hauling behind her.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 11, 2005 01:09AM

Someday this world will change...Fuckin' liberal media..... let's call Wolfe or Arron..They'll get to the bottom of it...YOU'RE in the situation room
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 11, 2005 02:47AM

All the liberal media scream about the "racism" displayed around the Hurricane Katrina disaster...what racism? That the poorest sections of New Orleans, all black, were the hardest hit? NO ONE forced those people to live there. ANYONE who did live there was TOTALLY free to move somewhere else, anywhere else. Didn't have the money? Had money for cigs and beer, I bet.

Every time I go into a convenience store, I see poor blacks spending money like crazy on lotto tickets...not the megamillion stuff, just the stupid, scratch three and win $50 stuff....they ALWAYS have money for that stuff....stupid people DESERVE to be don't see "boat people" from other shithole countries doing that stuff...they are too busy working to get themselves to somewhere better. NOT blacks. Racist? Hell no..just the truth and YOU know it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 11, 2005 03:37AM

evey time something happens, the black community screams racism, i just dont see it, tihs has been going on since the end of slavery, thye want something for nothing, and are more than willing to pull on the heart strings of the liberal community to get what they want, the worst one about it is jesse jackson, what the fuck dose he do exactly? besides talk alot of shit with smoke and mirrors? they are in truth lazy, and it's not any womder why thier tribal kings sold them into slavery in the first place, after all, why feed and hoyse them, when you get no work, and drug addiction in return?
Mint Report This Comment
Date: September 11, 2005 05:51AM

i think they should drop a few more planes on NYC nad see how fast they respond. and you 2 should stop buy rural areas like rural texas arkansas tennessee kentucky and shit and see how the poor white people live. no difference
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 11, 2005 07:06AM

Trash comes in all colors and stealing anything (including food) while you still have a ton of fat on your bones is a crime. Shoot all looters and this shit will stop!
destructor Report This Comment
Date: September 11, 2005 11:45AM

I think taking the cash register is looting.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 11, 2005 03:18PM

I agree with you Anonymous@9144. I've know people from other countries (former Yugoslavia, Mexico) that had NOTHING, came here and in 2-3 years, had a house, a car AND nice clothes. If you want to not be poor, work for it, use your money wisely. Save. Invest.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 11, 2005 05:49PM

9144 said :
Racist? Hell no..just the truth and YOU know it.

I find it interesting that people expressing bigotted opinions frequently say "it's just the truth".

40168 said :
tihs has been going on since the end of slavery, thye want something for nothing,

Why do you hate people you don't know?

As for 212215: That sounds very nice. But capitalism /requires/ people to be dirt poor. I can explain the mechanism if you like. But basically, for people to become rich, others must go bankrupt. It's built into the system.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 11, 2005 05:56PM

I mean, christ almighty, the USA's biggest humanitarian crisis ever, and you have to blame the poor who were caught by the storm. You don't even sound American. Where are you from, anyway? Hatistan? FuckYouica?

We live in a racist country. If you're not aware of that, perhaps you need to check out some history books. And not the pamphlets that they gave you in school.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 11, 2005 06:22PM

"That sounds very nice. But capitalism requires people to be dirt poor. I can explain the mechanism if you like. But basically, for people to become rich, others must go bankrupt. It's built into the system."

THAT has got the be the stupidest thing I have EVER is not a fixed pie wherein every dollar Bill Gates gets comes directly out of the pocket of some dumb poorass. So, according to your system, if Bill Gates has $10 billion, then 14,375,267 people went bankrupt IN ORDER for him to have that much money. And he did it personally, all by himself.

Liberals crack me up.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 12, 2005 12:47AM

Can you explain how profit is generated? Where it comes from exactly?
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 12, 2005 01:27AM

Examine this:
Particularly the graph on page 8.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 12, 2005 01:30AM

Capitalism is a mechanism for generating profit. That's it. It is based on exploitation.

Why do you think early American's required slavery on their plantations? Why do you think American jails are full of prisoners who make cheap products, or take flight-reservation calls? Why do you think global companies need overseas sweatshops?
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 12, 2005 01:49AM

Oh, and most importantly, explain how "interest" works.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 12, 2005 03:27AM

I'm aware of the "the mechanism" John_Stone, but if they don't want to be poor, they can do something about it. One of the many nice thing about our country. Have you ever seen someone in either the upper middle class or the lower upper class go bk? I have. Also, heard of Yin and Yang?

As it was explained to me, we are all granted life, liberty and the persuit of happiness. Happyness isn't owed to us, we have to work for it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 12, 2005 03:37AM

To further elaborate, when I left college, I had nothing but debt, a piece of crap car and I had to move back in with my parents. Now I'm almost debt free. In the last five years, I have reduced my debt (Signifigantly) and saved while dealing with many difficult problems, a massive layoff and I won't go into the details of the rest.

Long story short, I pulled myself out of a negative networth, and made it positive. Its done through blood, sweat and tears.

I tried to share how I did it with others, most didn't want to listen (some did) or told me how they couldn't do it. Funny I did it. Success = hard work/education meeting opportunity.

Anyone can do this, they have to do the work to find the information, implament it, try, fail, learn.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 12, 2005 04:41AM

The fact remains, regardless of what we are "granted," some get it and some don't. So you were lucky and that luck you attribute to your hard work and perserverence. What about the people who don't. They have to endure the barbs of people like you, racist, who say blacks loot and whites borrow. Just because you say it doesn't make it true.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 12, 2005 04:43AM

Congratuations, and I mean that sincerely.

However, the sheer number of people who fall into poverty, or find they cannot crawl out of it suggests that achieving middle-class wealth is not available to everyone.

We are not granted, actually, anything but the right to /control our own attitude towards things/. Everything else can, and will be taken from you, in a court of Law. Especially in Texas.

The bottom 80% lose money, and the top 20% gain money. That's how capitalism is structured.

Have you read the book /Nickel and Dimed/ by B. Ehrenriech? Interesting tales of how the poor are kept poor.

I do know of Yin/Yang, and frankly the US dollar is very Yang. All international currency is. Constantly requiring 'expansion', and 'growth'. When will the Yin come along? We're about due.
lyric101 Report This Comment
Date: September 13, 2005 09:33PM

Excellent - thanks for this pic, a shrewd bit of observation