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Turf Wars
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Turf Wars

"a group of women in garments"

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Comments for: Turf Wars
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 10, 2005 10:04PM

I love American football, however I am bothered by the increasing feminization of the game. Don't get me wrong...I love women, what I am really referring to is the constant advertisements for light beer. For those of you that are unaware, Lite beer is what girls drink, yet in every see some fat homo swiging some watered down beer bubbles thinking he's manly...your not!...Your fat! This is a plea to all my fellow american men. I'm asking you. to start boycotting lite beer. Have a little bit of pride in what you drink and proove to your girl friend that your not secretly gay!
gypsybrw Report This Comment
Date: October 10, 2005 10:58PM

Shut Up Queer!!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 10, 2005 11:28PM

It would appear as though I have touched a nerve with this subject...or perhaps exposed a deep dark insecurity that has been lurking inside the American male psyche for sometime now only to be brought to the surface by someone brave enough to admit the truth. Some of you may be aware of an Old Spice advertisement currently on U.S. TV...on it is a gay song which goes.. "The more we get together,the happier we'll be...cuz my friends are your friends and your frinds are my friends". It depicts a group of obese mamillian male NASCAR fans groping and hugging one another. The spectcle resembles that of a handicapped support group. My point with all of this is that maybe the NFL should come out with a similar commercial with the same fat guys but instead, have them dumping out their neighbors lite beer while punching them in the face and reassuring them of their masculinity.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 10, 2005 11:48PM

Methinks you are obsessed with fat guys. Not that there is anything wrong with that, just not my fetish. Have a nice day.
TrueBlue Report This Comment
Date: October 11, 2005 04:41AM

It's being sold to youngsters 6073, and you're right, there are more ads for lite beer. But it's not about feminization. The advertisers are selling to younger men and women, and they know that being slim is an obsession with young folks. So they market lite beer as a way to get alcohol, have low carbohydrate intake, and not fill up your stomach as much as full-bodied beers. It has to do with getting the most bang for your buck. Beer consumption in the US is slipping, and the companies know they have to snag the 17 - 28 yr olds now if they want to develop brand loyalty for the rest of these consumer's lives. And yes, I know the ages I'm mentioning include underage drinkers.
slslea Report This Comment
Date: October 11, 2005 05:20AM

Hmm ok weirdos.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 11, 2005 09:19AM

All I know is that there was a time in America when a young man wouldnt be caught dead holding a lite beer. His friends would kept him in check....Now its accepted as the norm. Has anyone here ever tasted a Coors light?? Its nothing but bubbles and water...these people are denying themselves the taste of a full bodied draft because they are too lazy to exercise. The reason it bothers me so much is because I'm concerned with the weak image it projects upon us all.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 11, 2005 09:22AM


I agree. Lite Beer tastes great ? more like piss !

But I do think you are on to something. The feminizing of american men. And it goes further than beer commercials.
slslea Report This Comment
Date: October 11, 2005 03:50PM

I guess time have changed now all you see is men drinking light beer. I rarely drink but when I do I drink miller.
The_Doc Report This Comment
Date: October 11, 2005 05:41PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2005 02:01AM

hey fags just enjoy the pic