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comrade taking Revolution to a family in the projects in Jena
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comrade taking Revolution to a family in the projects in Jena

"a group of people standing in front of a house"

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Comments for: comrade taking Revolution to a family in the projects in Jena
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2008 06:55PM

he`s telling the little girl about communism, that under communism everybody has an equal share, so can he come in and get his share of mommy, just for an hour or so, that`s cummunism, sweetie.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 22, 2008 10:37PM

What they call it these days is Progressive, this is how it works........

being against something that is illegal is politically incorrect, just think, you're at work, you tell someone that you're against illegal immigration and then you get fired......


NWO, wanted and pushed by "nice", "for the people", people....... it's a disguise, people like shadez for instance are sucked into the "nice", fairy tale" lies and then push those outright lies into everyone possible, with, of course, supreme guilt to anyone that doesn't follow........

Guilt is one of the favorites of people that want to manipulate you!
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2008 12:11PM

Perfect candidates for the communist doctrine. Another welfare Mommy who spreads her legs like peanut butter for any slacker POS who wanders by with a crack pipe and a cuppla rocks bein told how her life and that of her chillens should and would be better if only communism were embraced by our society.

Let's see, 5 kids of seemingly mixed parentage, livin in govt. subsidized (maybe even free) housing (and from the looks of it, better than many WORKING Americans get to live in), likely gettin free health care for herself and her varied progeny, likely also gettin free food too and all again without any likelihood of any real income by Mommy to support this lifestyle. God damn shaDEz, WTF do you think she stands to benefit by goin to bat for team Rooskie, a $300,000 home to fire up her rocks in ???

This shit's gettin weaker by the post shaDEz ol buddy thumbs
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2008 12:32PM

There will never be a revolution in this country because there will never be enough people to agree on anything at any given time.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: January 23, 2008 09:42PM

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 24, 2008 12:35PM

Seeing as how this is a free country anyone can protest if they do it within the law, even the KKK, wheather we like it or not. We cannot take away one group's freedom of speech unless we take away everyone's free speech and right to assembly. It does not matter if we agree with them or not everyone has the same rights.