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The Dumbing Down...............
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The Dumbing Down...............

"a man in a suit and tie"

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Comments for: The Dumbing Down...............
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2008 06:29AM

Ghetto Fuck!

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2008 02:30PM

This guy changes from being a well-spoken black man into a stupid nigger in one second flat.
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2008 02:42PM

Hey, Atleast the dude is trying.......
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2008 05:49PM

Trying? It's called being as fake as possible.... you can show up somewhere and talk with that one black over there and he'll talk with you and carry on a regular conversation, but, as soon as all of the bruthas show up he is a ghetto fuck, following along with all of the other loser fucks putting on his ghetto face for the rest of the day, if you say anything to him and the other bruthas are around you get an automatic ghetto response...... with an attitude!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2008 06:30PM

Fuck all you racist mother fuckers. My great great grand-daddy was a slave, so you bitches owe me. Now, give me my god damn 40 acres and a mule. I'll take my 40 acres out of the middle of downtown Manhattan, then you sorry-assed shitheads can kiss my black dick, just like your wife, mother and sister did last night.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2008 09:53PM

It doesn't matter how far you take the black man out of the jungle..... the jungle is still right there fighting to come out. Everyone thinks it's a joke, but, when you argue with someone about religion or whatever and they say... "yeah, ok, then where is the missing link".... you say.... "are you that stupid, it's right in front of you!"
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2008 11:13PM

and how the fuck would any of your racist pricks react if someone hit you in the face with some shit????????
I think he handled himself rather well...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2008 12:34AM

Boo Hoo Hoo...... a racist bug came up and flew in his mouth, it was probably one of those people in that dumbass country town, they train the bugs to fly into any black guy mouths they can find, they put a lot of work into it too.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2008 12:49AM

pro_junior Wrote:
> and how the fuck would any of your racist pricks
> react if someone hit you in the face with some
> shit????????
> I think he handled himself rather well...

By the way, it's funny how you come out talking that shit over this, but....... do you ever ask the black man how they would feel if someone raped and/or murdered them? I didn't think so, you pay way more attention to whitey than the black man himself, you are very prejudice, you pre-judge the black man as being the right one when really it's just an internal scam.

Here we go with percentage rates again, the black mans are through the roof when it comes to crime, if we would legalize drugs and get rid of the black man our crime rates would be almost nothing compared to the overall population! They are a cancer, no matter where they're from.

Now, here, I know this won't "cut it" for 99.99% of the black man, but, they are not all bad, so, nothing too personal to every last one, just take personal responsibility for the other black men if you're going to keep pulling that "Black Man" shit.

If a ghetto fuck gets in my face and acts like they're "down"... then thats where they'll go. Whitey needs to quit always ignoring the black mans scams right in there face, ignoring it just makes it worse, it's just like a little kid, let them do anything they want and it will just get worse and you will pay, time to put them into line!
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2008 03:13AM

I just watched the video again and realized I was mistaken about what took place..I had originally thought that someone had thrown some shit at him and hit him in the face...I see now that it was actually just a bug flying into his mouth....However, I still fail to see how his reaction has anything to do with the fact that his skin is dark brown versus any other color...
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2008 11:41AM

None of my ancesters own any slaves so I don't owe them shit. Just because their ancesters were slaves doesn't mean the whites in this country owe them any more than they have now. They have more rights than the whites do now and if they would just get beyond the 51% drop out rate they might see it.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2008 08:20PM

i can't see that his reaction is anything to do with the colour of his skin either, I sound a lot worse than that when I get pissed off. Does that men I am black? confused smiley