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The Passing of Fidel Castro
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The Passing of Fidel Castro

"a cow with a man's head"

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Comments for: The Passing of Fidel Castro
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 26, 2016 11:37AM

Too bad Raul has been in charge for a few years now and nothing has changed for Cubans. Hopefully Fidel's brother will follow soon.
John Winston Howard Report This Comment
Date: November 26, 2016 01:09PM

Why? So Cuba can end end up with a totally fucked up health care system like the US?
Oh pardon me, my mistake.....The US doesn't have a health care system any more!
At present, Cuba's health and education systems cost the public NOTHING. It's free and good quality.
So what's your fucking problem JG? There's a lot right with Cuba because of Castro, compared to
some of the US laws and it's fucked up constitution. They may be a poor country, but no one is starving.
They may live under martial law but less people, per square mile are murdered as compared
per Sq m in the US. And most Cubans prefer to live in Cuba theses days rather than the US
so what does that tell you huh?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 27, 2016 12:04PM

That is the problem with dictatorships, they destroy people's free will and allow no one the ability to improve one's self and position in life. Our way of life may not be perfect but we are allowed to do anything we want with our lives as long as it doesn't harm others. Granted many have tried and failed at the American dream but others have succeeded. That is what happens with freedom, you have the right to try and fail as well as the right to try and succeed. We have the ability to travel anywhere in the US we want without obtaining permission from the government, Cuba doesn't. Health care is not the only thing that makes a government good or bad, it is only a small part. Our health care system does suck but it was Odamna's desire to move us toward to socialism which brought about the deterioration of health care. We will just have to wait and see what Trump comes up with to change it. At least we can still use any doctor we want to can Cuba?

If you want to give up your freedom and allow one person to determine ever aspect of your life then you can always move to Cuba. Just remember you will not have the internet and you will not be allowed to to publicly complain about everything you don't like.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: November 28, 2016 08:30AM

I usually agree with you JG but Raul has been the best thing to happen to Cuba in it's entire history thus far.
Since 2008, according to ggooggle.
One of the first measures in the first months of his administration was the authorization of the sale of home appliances such as microwaves, computers, DVD players and electric scooters. Despite the measure not being announced in the official press, many Cubans flooded stores on April 1, 2008 to buy goods previously available only on the black market.

Luxury hotels: On March 31, 2008 hotel managers were surprised at the lifting of the ban that for more than a decade had prevented Cubans from staying in luxury facilities. Since then, it has been common to see Cubans who can afford to stay in tourist hotels at the Varadero beach resort.

Cellphones: The government authorized the sale of mobile phone service starting April 14, 2008. Since then, the public has been able to buy prepaid mobile phone cards. Access to Internet service, however, remains off limits to the vast majority of Cubans.

“Self-employment”: In October 2010 the government expanded authorizations for opening small businesses (in 178 different types of work) in the private sector. Since then, the number of people working in what’s called the “self-employment” sector has reached by almost 400,000, according to official figures from December 2012. This measure led to an explosion of private businesses in Havana, especially in the food service sector.

Transfers of land in usufruct: In July 2008, the mass transfer in usufruct of idle land to individuals was ordered. This reform, aimed at stimulating agricultural production on the island, has been expanded in recent years by other measures such as the recent granting of building permits on land being farmed in usufruct.

The buying and selling of houses and cars: In October 2011, the Raul Castro government announced the liberalization of the auto sales market, allowing Cubans to buy and sell used cars (restrictions remain in place for new cars). A month later, he also liberalized the sale of real estate. Free market sales of real estate have also caused the flourishing of informal realtor activities.

Bank loans: Cuban state-run banks begin making loans to individuals starting in December 2011. Measures to encourage private initiative have also been applied to farmers who work land in usufruct and people performing construction work on their homes. On February 21, the government extended credit facilities to permit the use of personal collateral (such as jewelry) to obtain loans.

Immigration reform: One of the measures most desired by Cubans was announced by President Raul Castro in October 2012. He called for the elimination of exit permit requirements (the “carte blanche”) and letters of invitation for Cubans to be able to travel – restrictions that had been in place for decades. After the measures were implemented on January 14, even the well-known dissident blogger Yoani Sanchez was able to leave the island. In the new law, the government can still require some restrictions on highly-trained professionals, professional-level athletes, and for reasons of “national security” (interpreted by some as being particularly applicable to people in the opposition).
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 28, 2016 01:29PM

I suspect most all that is just for show. With an average monthly salary of around $20 to $50 per month (depending on which site you check) how can anyone living there avail themselves of any of those luxuries? Raul may be better than his brother but he is still a dictator and the Cuban people are not free.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 28/11/2016 01:31PM by jgoins.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: November 29, 2016 08:30AM

Because luxuries such as eating out when also prepared by a chef who is paid 30-50 dollars a month are as a percentage of your wage about the same price as you pay.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 29, 2016 12:35PM

Our form of government is not perfect by any means but it is better than other governments which don't allow their people freedom. We don't need the government to provide us with healthcare, food or money, we just need to freedom to be able to provide those things for ourselves. If success is allowed and some don't even try it is on them, the government can provide help for them but it must come with a cost, you must attempt to work. Having a government take everything from everyone a providing everything for everyone equally will stifle individual growth. If everything is given then there is no need for one to better themselves so why try.
Mint. Report This Comment
Date: November 29, 2016 12:37PM

Castro saved Cuba from a worse fate when he took over government.
And he was extremely clever to get Russia's backing early in the piece because the US were
going to screw him over big time. He couldn't trust anyone else at that time and please remember
he was not a communist dictator. He ran his own show, yes, with somewhat an iron fist but
put support systems in place for the people. He had to make do with what resources he had.
It was far from perfect and the way of life a lot of us have known, but their system has worked
for Cuba back then and it still works for Cuba today.
I say let them be.

"you can call me bitch, but wait till the wax has melted!"
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 30, 2016 12:17PM

If it was so good then why has so many risked their lives in the waters between Cuba and Florida to get here and away from Cuba? If Fidel was so great then why did so many Cubans here celebrate his death?