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Yay? I think. Whee.
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Yay? I think. Whee.

"a black rectangular sign with blue text and cartoon character"

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uploader: pulse
date: 2023-03-23
Comments for: Yay? I think. Whee.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2023 08:24AM

So. That was an entertaining week.

I won't bore with the details, but we're back. The porn site is dead.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2023 09:29AM

woberto Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2023 09:33AM

Couldn’t be worse than when the 4fuckr server host burned down...
They gave up and only exist on Discord now.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2023 10:13AM

Nah; main issue was DK is the only one who knew how this shit hung together at the back end, and as far as I know is probably dead. And so when things restarted and nothing could reconnect to each other in the back end; php accelerators, web servers and databases, nothing would talk, and I haven't touched Docker in years. Had to quickly learn enough to get things sorted again.

I could bring the porn site up right now. I just don't want it anymore. I disabled uploads about 12-18 months ago after it became a huge pain in the ass of revenge shit; and it just got worse and worse.

I have things back running on the new core from 2020. Now I'm looking at what it takes to unpick everything and re-host it differently. In a way I know how it works smiling

Without the porn site, we need about 1/10 the resources to run things, so I can look at a more economical way of doing things without ads and throwing money at nothing. It's all been a long time coming, let's see if I can make it work.
Onyma Report This Comment
Date: March 24, 2023 04:20AM

Congrats on getting it back up and running. I felt lost when I clicked on my bookmarks and there was... nothing. Should you ever really shut it down hope there is at least a message board to sign off to some of the old crew still here.

As for the porn site, for the best. That must have been a nightmare to manage. That said... so... where is the torrent? Asking for a friend. j/k
pulse Report This Comment
Date: March 24, 2023 06:52AM

Yeah I'd do something along those lines. Something better than the porn site anyway (wob's image above).

For now if I can get the rehosting done, and drop the hosting costs without the porn site, then there's no real reason it can't keep going; but it's unlikely to ever get another code update.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: March 24, 2023 11:05AM

We all just assumed you broke it trying to update the IOTW...
pulse Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2023 01:03PM

For now if I can get the rehosting done, and drop the hosting costs without the porn site, then there's no real reason it can't keep going; but it's unlikely to ever get another code update. domain is now running off the new infrastructure. It's 95% complete, but image uploads aren't working. Not 100% sure where that issue is, but I have a theory. If I can get it working, I'll cut it over this week. Might lose the newest images/comments at cutover point though, but we'll see.

It's a bit hard to test as it wants to redirect to most of the time, as we moved to this domain as the primary when we lost access to the old domain for a few months .. years ago.

Anyway, I've almost got it all working which is kind of neat. It's been seriously hard work.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2023 04:31PM

berto: We all just assumed you broke it trying to update the IOTW...
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2023 04:37PM

also, original logo is best logo...
pulse Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2023 01:01PM

Live on the new infrastructure.

Let me know if you see anything weirder than normal...
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: March 31, 2023 11:34AM

weirder than normal?

Take a hint from Lou Reed and take a walk on the wild side. A 20 minute walk through Anytown, USA and voila ... you're there smoking