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Go sports team!
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Go sports team!

"a baseball player running on a field"

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uploader: pro_junior
date: 2024-10-20
Comments for: Go sports team!
woberto Report This Comment
Date: October 21, 2024 07:03AM

I love mainstream sports (in Australia).
It's fun, it's a huge conversational aspect of my work and a small aspect of my social life.
I don't wear colours or jerseys but everyone knows who I go for and why.
When I do go to the games however, I am very much NOT impressed by the average fan.
Having said that, I don't do cheap seats, corporate box etc is my thang.
But still, there are some real fucking apes out there.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: October 21, 2024 07:54AM


I don't like GA anything really; I'm a total snob, fully accepted. But sports are an entirely different matter. As you say, the amount of general fucktitude I've seen from morons at football etc games. Gah. I'd rather just not go.

Sports aren't a large part of my life or my daily conversations. I follow F1, and I am a member of a football club, mostly because of my wife. I couldn't care less if I don't go to a single game, and similarly I'll typically be found at the F1 in Melbourne on a Friday, I don't go on the race weekend because I want to actually see the race.

The McLaren paddock club was an exception to that though, but that had garage/pit access, chat to the drivers, pit lane, grid walk etc. I have no idea who won the race those years that I did that. I was so drunk.. then again Chandon was a McLaren sponsor too.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: October 23, 2024 06:30AM

AFL was so prolific in Victoria that the NFL was formed.
I discovered them in 2005 at a par-tay in Elsternwick.
The NFL had a logo, that looked like red Sherrin, laces and all but it was square and the letters NFL were on it.
They had a actual shiny metal badge and I noticed people wearing it were hanging around together.
I have tried boobling this and cannot find any history of it (I blame the algorithm and the "other" NFL for dashing my attempts).
hot smiley
Essentially it was a club designed to NEVER EVER hear anything about the AFL.
The NFL stood for the No Football League.
They even organised shindigs and hired out pubs when big games were on so they could just completely avoid hearing or seeing anything footy related.
They were real cool froods and I liked them. Even though I like sports.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: October 23, 2024 08:45AM

I can appreciate individual physical and team achievements, acknowledge the skills needed to play, but never really cared for sports. I had the size to play American football when I was in school but fuck that being bashed around. Baseball is just boring - actually they're all just boring, running around chasing a ball or whatever.