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Comments for: umbrella?
Mint Report This Comment
Date: August 04, 2005 03:26PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 04, 2005 04:33PM

For those who can't lip-read, she's saying "umblella".
destructor Report This Comment
Date: August 04, 2005 06:49PM

She seems a little confused, she clearly needs to bounce up and down on a thick white cock for 20 minutes. To set her mind straight and remind her who's in charge.
justthink Report This Comment
Date: August 04, 2005 07:39PM

This is possibly her second language.. maybe even her third or fourth. And now think about this most average DUMB Americans can barely scratch their ass and mumble "beer" at the same time. Americans are so dumb they think speaking louder in English to a non-English speaker will somehow improve the other person's understanding of what they are saying (beer). Americans are so dumb they think adding "o" at the end of a word will make it "Mexican" (Spanish). Most of the American Christian population thinks Jesus was a blonde blue eyed guy who spoke English.

By the way the practicing of saying "umbrella" is a great tool for Japanese speakers needing to suck on big dicks.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 04, 2005 09:01PM

So, JustThink, I take it you're not American. One thing for sure, no matter your citizenship, you have mastered the art of subjective generalism.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 04, 2005 10:35PM

Gook bitch.
justthink Report This Comment
Date: August 04, 2005 10:36PM

lol. I am an American. And I teach Engish as a second language.

Before you correct my grammer or any spelling, you twit, keep in mind Internet Chat English is not the same as formal written English... hence why people do not properly capitalize, punctuate and all the other restrictions in WRITTEN English. Under chat english U use words, letters and combos of symbols to GET THE FUCKIN message OUT! U wankers here are all RETARDS!

note: "tard" is from Greek for "SLOW" and the prefix (that MEANS "the thing before the main word like "tard"winking
smiley "re" is from Latin meaning to do again.
Anymous__124570 Report This Comment
Date: August 04, 2005 11:10PM

Her Snatch Is Open Like An Umbrella !!!
HeidiFucker Report This Comment
Date: August 04, 2005 11:24PM

I'm a professional speech therapist and forensic lip reader. She's actually saying, "AHBLERRA" which is the best a japanese can do under the circumstances.
Ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 04:24AM

Hey there "justthink" you are completely full of shit! If you are American, especially an English teacher, you would never say a retarded Brit word like "wanker". Face're a lying fag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
justthink Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 04:54AM

lol Ninepointfiver@79212, if I am a brit like you say then I guess you are claiming I am a lying cigerette.
Ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 07:08AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 07:37AM

'Chat English' may make abbreviations acceptable, Justthink, but it's no excuse for bad spelling. If you teach English, you should have been educated enough to be able to spell =grammar= and =cigarette= ....and you should understand that incorrect grammar and spelling can alter the meaning of what you are saying.
justthink Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 08:41AM

Anonymous@20038, duh!
mkcerusky Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 09:42AM

I have always wondered how it is living with no need to learn/speak other languages...must be confortable and easy...
But, everytime I have been to France (I don't speak french) I had to cope with french people doing whatever they could in order to avoid
successful communication simply because I couldn't speak matter if I was able to speak good english, spanish and italian, sometimes there was really no way to communicate with those french that threat you as an idiot.
On the contrary when I went to spain people tried to communicate with me and other italian people, and it was possible to communicate even if we were speaking italian and they were speakng spanish. The result of this more open approach is that I learnt spanish!

Thus I wonder, could the lack of need to learn and speak another language possibly restrict people's mind? ...the answer is up to you english speakers are the experts on the issue of "monolingual" people smiling

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 10:13AM

wo wo..fook the english, lets talk aboot what she is saying...I think she is singaporean cuz they add the word "la" after every sentence (go there and check it out, u dumbass Aymelican). So what she is saying is this: "Fook me la".
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 10:21AM

That's just the arrogance of the French, mkc....not that the Americans and the British are far behind. Surprising, really, since our language is derived from such a mixture of other, mainly European, languages. Personally, I find having learnt French and Latin at school was a big help in understanding our near neighbours but languages like Dutch and Welsh are a real struggle.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 05, 2005 11:00AM

well the arragance of French, US-Americans and English comes out of the recent imperial experiences. Spain has been humbled by the lost of her colonies relatively early on and then the Franco isolationism has created another layer of curiousity about others. At least that is what I think. I have lived in Hungary, Cyprus and India and generally people are pretty friendly and wanting only to talk English which is annoying you are trying to learn Hungarian, Greek, Turkish or one of the languages in India like Tamil or Hindi or Gujarati or Punjabi. When I am in Europe most people think I am German, Slavic or Scandinavian and when in India most thought I was French, German or even Israeli, because those are the big tourists there and because I am not loud like Australians. By the way I am Cascadian (Pacific NorthWestern American).

As for the girl in the picture. It is not the pronunciation of "umbrella" that seems out of wack. Its her total look of wonder like "wow that is an amazing devise is it for cleaning toilets out or something?"