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Iraqis dying at the hands of their "liberators"
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Iraqis dying at the hands of their "liberators"

"a man lying in the dirt"

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Comments for: Iraqis dying at the hands of their "liberators"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 03:24AM

You dumbshit!!! Those are british soldiers!!!!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 06:29AM

Is that a bomb on his chest? They didn't shoot him because he was an upstanding citizen..
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 06:40AM

excuses. excuses. excuses. Lame.

Iraqis don't want the Us there. They especially don't want the US to tell them what form of government they should have and what leaders are "credible" and "legitimate".

Overthrowing a countries leader and installing a leader of your choosing is illegal and violates numerous international laws.

WMDs was a lie to get around interntional law. In America that is called TREASON. The penalty for treason is life or the death penalty. Bush and Cheney deserve ? there would be two full baskets with just heads in them for me.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 06:58AM

They don't pay attention to International laws, why should we?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 07:00AM

Tie one arm behind your back, Ali I got your ropadope right here.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 07:06AM


Because the US is supposed to be the "good" country. That performs with the highest morale character.

the reason that Bush took it in the ass from McCain on the torture issue.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 07:08AM


lowering yourself in combat missions makes your mission BS and worthy of tribunal action.
Tiw Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 09:51AM

The Iraqi's don't want our troops there and the troops don't want to be there so if the insurgents would stop fighting the troops would leave, simple.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 09:53AM


Are your retarded ?

The US military is provoking the fight.

In essense the US military is ehtnic cleansing in Iraq.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 10:00AM

DCBeast, you are the MOST retarded human being on earth....ethnic cleansing?

They are ALL Iraqis, you dimbulb.

Ethnic cleansing is the act of separating one group based on race or religion from another...not possible when they are ALL the SAME race and take the cake for idiocy.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 11:00AM

You people should recognize DCBeast as the liberal/democrat commiepinkofag that he really is. Not only that, he is an insurgent sympathyser. A veritable traitor, giving aid and comfort and encouragement to the enemy. He has no idea what it means to fight for something worthwhile. My guess he watches CNN and reads the NY Times. You see why his opinions aren't worth the camelshit the soldiers have to step in from time to time.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 12:04PM


You mean they are not Al Qeada terrorists like Bush said ?


Your guesses would be wrong dumbass.

Please attack me more, it won't change the truth that US forces are choosing sides in Iraq's civil war.

Your lame "traitor" comment show someone in denial.

Earth to dumbass ! There is no enemy of US forces in Iraq. US forces are killing Iraqi's that do not want to be told what to do by americans. Ethnic cleansing.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 01:28PM

Because the US is supposed to be the "good" country. That performs with the highest morale character. lowering yourself in combat missions makes your mission BS and worthy of tribunal action.

All that should have gone out the window the day we went to war, 9-11 in my mind. One side in any conflict cannot have rules when the opposition has none. Apply that reasoning to any other situation and the ACLU would be screaming "unfair". They cut off heads, we call them names and we are the bad guys.

Duane Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 03:11PM

People can become ethnicly labeled if they dont want to be told what to do by the U.S.,so when we went to Europe in WWII we commited ethnic cleansing?Beast your fucking out there,your not in touch with the average American.You love these polls but if you check polls have been proven wrong time and time again.I work in different peoples houses all the time in my line of work and can tell you that most have bibles and pro-america items everywhere.Most in general conversation dont ridicule the president.Two weeks ago I did a job and the guy that owned the house had a picture of his brother on the wall,a marine.I asked if he was in Iraq,he said he died 6 months ago.He did not shoot down the U.S. or the president.He is angered by how people make his death so meaningless when they talk about how we are wrong for being there when he believed in what he was there for.Its the same Vietnam type portrayal of the U.S. as evil and the soldiers as indiscriminate killers.You take every angle against the U.S. and Bush possible regardless how absurd.All people have to do is check your pictures and posts.
Tribucian Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 04:06PM

"Pax Romana," "Pax Brittanica," and now "Pax Americana;" all three can be viewed as oxymoronic since peace was always relative either by sword point or gun point. Who would you have holding the peace now? It is all a matter of perspective.

For example, remember Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, etc..? Well, I recently had the chance to talk with a British teen who stated when asked that these gentlemen were not noted in the British history books. What? The founding fathers of the United States not noted? I at least would think Washington would be listed as a traitor to the crown, but worse, he is not even acknowledged.

Another example is Yassar Arafat. Ask anybody of Jewish background, and you will actually see the person (unless he or she has VERY good control) tense up before talking, or in some cases, screaming about Arafat being a bloody terrorist of the most heinous sort. I believe that if you asked any Palistinians about Arafat, you would here a completely different story. Remember, when Israel officially recognized the existance of a Palistinian state, Arafat ceased in his "acts of terror." Is this the action of a terrorist or the action of a freedom fighter? It is a matter of a difference in opinion.

As the adage goes, "no matter how thin you slice something, it still has two sides." It is my opinion that to fully understand something, you must study BOTH sides of the argument objectively. It is not an easy task to accomplish by far, but it can be done. Afterwards you can choose to keep your previous opinion...or not.

With that in mind, I would like to make a couple of points, The Iraquis are all of the same race and religion, but it is not the dominant religion or race of the United States, so in a way DCbeast is correct; that is IF all Iraqis were being slaughtered.

On the other hand, the soldiers have no say in whether they should be in Iraq or not--other than there vote on election day. In a manner of speaking the military if an instrument of action welded by a few select politicals. If later we find them guilty of war crimes, so be it. But for now they are following orders.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 04:56PM

not in my name!
Im a democrate. I have the same opinion as gays, people from peta, jesse jackson, al sharpton, lewis farrakhan, barbra streisand, michael moore, michael jackson, jenene garafalo, margaret cho, richard simons, rosie o'donald, 90% of hollywood stars and nambla! these are good people that dont have their own agendas, they care about you!

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 09:37PM

so adcbeast what is your home address?
rogue_1 Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 10:30PM

So now 2995 wants home addresses
this is from a FUCKWIT who refuses to identify himself,
not likely
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 11:00PM

I said it before And I Say it Again. Get Our Boys Out Of There And Let Those Sand Niggers Kill Each Other If They Want. Don't Ask For help From The US When Al Qeada terrorists Come to your House And Behead Your Famly. And Dont Bother Coming To America When Your Country Becomes over run By Al Qeada.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 12:42AM


935 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20535
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 12:45AM


Iraq didn't/doesn't/won't have a problem with Al Qeada. That is a Bush administration LIE.

Al Qeada only wants the US off muslim land. If the US pulled out Al Qeada would leave Iraq. They would most likely go to Afghanistan to fight the US military there.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 01:55AM

We invade an oil producing country and our oil prices go up, that sucks.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 03:31AM

So the World Trade Center was Muslim land and Al Qeada only wanted those 3000 people to leave, so what else here in the US do they or you consider their land. OH yes that land at 935 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20535 lets give that back to them, problem solved..
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 03:46AM

DCBeast has never in his wasted life ever worked a day...and he has opinions about everything without ever having one iota of knowledge of anything.

The only thing we know about you is...

You live in Washington, DC.
You "work" for the Federal government (what a joke as you post here during "working hours"winking
You are black but wish you were white (THE most racist posters actually hate who they are)
You resent everybody who actually can and does accomplish anything on their own and never take any personal responsibility for your own lack of motivation or ability.
Very sad.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 04:07AM

Sorry to be picky, but the soldiers are British and the photo is old. For all we know, the dead guy was a combatant.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 04:13AM


No ass. 9-11 was a military strike by poor people who do not have multibillion dollar miltary hardware.

9-11 was a response to US and British imperialism on muslim land.

9-11 was not Al Qeada. 9-11 was carried out by a terror group lead by Mohammed Atta. A seperate group from Al Qeada. But terrorists none the less.

The Al Qeada link to 9-11 is what the Bush admin told you. And is complete HS.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 04:14AM


Glad to know that you got my bio all wrong.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 04:30AM


That is the point. That the US military is making combatants out of ordinary Iraqi citizens.

The ordinary citizens do not want the US military in Iraq. 70% of them.

Meanwhile the US military is in denial of who they are killing on a daily basis. They need to lie to themselves so they don't feel the guilt of killing ordinary citizens.

I can't wait to see how mentally fucked up these US soldiers will be when they get home.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 09:48AM

Speaking of being in denial. Your mental condition has been pointed out to you before.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 10:28AM


Yeah. My government Docs say "good to go".

I guess that means you're wrong in your assessment again. Maybe you should get checked out. Either by a therapist or trying to go to college to test your mental skill. You better try the therapist first. I don't want you to hurt yourself.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 05:12PM

ordinary citizens do not wire up car bombs and try to kill their own police force.
you make it sound like we are going around and executing men, women and children. ridiculous!
we are trying to keep all the iraqi people from killing themselves, which they seem to be doing very well.
when you look at these car bombing weasel dicks, look at the ratio of Americans killed to the % of iraqis killed.
they're not targeting us but their own police force and political figures.
why? because they know that if the new government succeeds, they will have 1 less country less that they can promote their anti-anyone but Muslim campaign.
sounds pretty racist to me!
Duane Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 07:11PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 08:58PM

On January 1, 2006, 10:30 pm rogue_1@38140 said :
So now 2995 wants home addresses
this is from a FUCKWIT who refuses to identify himself,
not likely
just want to send him an elistment form for the "good guy's" then he can defend them.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 08:59PM

edit "enlistment"
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 12:21AM


That was the lamest attempt at sounding tough that I have ever heard.

BTW, I don't need to enlist again.

Duane Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 02:31AM

Beast how do I get an appartment at the Hoover Building.That would be kinda cool.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 04:56AM

I've never worked a day in my life, I just lay back and let the big beat leave me...
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 05:13AM


"ordinary citizens do not wire up car bombs and try to kill their own police force."

They sure do when they have been invaded by history's most powerful military ever, and the local police capitulate with that military. It's also the case that the Sunni's don't care for the Shi'ites, and vice versa, and they are trying to reduce each other's power. Sunni's are minority, Shi'ites are majority; Saddam was a Sunni and they are jealous of losing that power.

"you make it sound like we are going around and executing men, women and children. ridiculous!"

White Phosphorous. 27,636 Iraqi civilians killed. "Shock and Awe". Women and children killed? Yes.

"we are trying to keep all the iraqi people from killing themselves, which they seem to be doing very well."

debatable point.

"when you look at these car bombing weasel dicks, look at the ratio of Americans killed to the % of iraqis killed."

2,174 US : 27,636 Iraqi

Honestly FD, if another nation invaded the US and tried to occupy, I would wire cars to explode against them and any capitulators myself.
Am I a weasel dick? Or a patriot?

"they're not targeting us but their own police force and political figures. why? because they know that if the new government succeeds, they will have 1 less country less that they can promote their anti-anyone but Muslim campaign.
sounds pretty racist to me!"

Also, the police are perceived to be capitulating with the US invaders and the puppet government. Initially the 'new government' was perceived to be capitulators as well (like the French Vichy government in WWII), but also there are factors on the ground that we observers do not understand.

One fact is that Iraq was a "nation" forced together by the British in 1917, which would not have otherwise been a single nation. Currently the opposing forces within that artificial nation are working against each other to gain control for themselves. E.g. the Kurds have set up a de facto Kurdistan in the north. The Sunni's are fighting hard because the majority Shi'ites, in a democracy, will control the politics and the oil in the southern lands. Since the Sunnis were in power under Saddam, they don't want to lose their power and abilities, but probably will.

So that is why "Iraqis" (which, again, is an imperialist fiction created by the Brits) are fighting against each other, as well as against their "liberators", the USA.

Incidentally, here's a quote from the British invaders of 1917, Lt. Gen Sir Stanley Maude: "We have come here not as conquerors but as liberators to free you from generations of tyranny."

Uh huh. When huge power claims to be liberators, never believe them.

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 05:31AM

that's b.s when you start wiring carbombs you turn from a regular citizen to an "insurgent"/"terrorist"
your #'s on deaths are also b.s., because you forgot to mention that not all the deaths were committed be us troops .
the majority of Iraqi deaths were committed by their own people(Muslims, shiites, Sunnis, kurds,saudis,lebanese, Iranian, Syrian) did i forget anyone? who cares!
also the deaths we caused were not intentionally non-combatants. much unlike our enemies. they only care about trying to tag the u.s. with the #.!! fucking crap!
that was the most ridiculous post you have made yet j.s.
yeah, "shock and awe" too bad carpet bombing or bombing of any kind isn't totally discriminatory to combatants only.
smart bombs....oxymoron?
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 08:00AM

"shock and awe" is another word for "terror".

And yes, you are correct, when you start wiring car bombs, you do turn from a "regular citizen" as you put it, into an "insurgent"/"terrorist".... and I say to you again, if anyone invaded the US, I would wire carbombs, or do anything else I could to become an "insurgent"/"terrorist" to get the invaders to leave. Would you do the same?

As for the numbers, yes, you have a good point that "iraqis" have been killing other "iraqis"... BUT, none of that killing would have happened had the USA not invaded.

ROBERT FISK: "War is a disgusting, cruel, vicious affair. You know, I say to people over and over again: war is not about primarily victory or defeat, it's primarily about human suffering and death. And if you look through the pictures, which I have beside me now as I speak to you, of little girls with huge wounds in the side of their faces made by the pieces of metal from cluster bombs, American cluster bombs, it's degoutant, as the French say, disgusting to even look at. But I have to look at them. I took these pictures."

Why are the Americans using illegal cluster bombs? illegal white phosphorous? Illegal torture? Why? I am ashamed of my government.

As a very wise woman once said to me: Governments make murderers of us all.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 08:02AM

they only care about trying to tag the u.s. with the #.!! fucking crap!

Because the invasion of Iraq is an illegal operation. There is no avoiding this point.
blahdblah Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 10:16AM

Hmmm looks like british soldiers too me...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2006 04:19PM

That sounds like a pathetic attempt to pass the buck, blahdblah: we're supposed to be in this together. Besides, there is absolutely no evidence in that picture to suggest that man was killed by those soldiers.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 02:33AM

if it's so illegal then why has'nt the u.n. or anyone else besides the muslim community spoken up?
answer: because eveyone realizes that it was necessary to the worlds mental health.
iran and palestine etc... will not be happy until they have israel "back". they see the removal of americans from iraq as a stepping stone to get this done.
it had better not EVER happen!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 04:55AM

I can answer that question in four words fossil_digger, FOOD FOR OIL PROGRAM.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 11:41AM

I agree as this gets worse we should just wipe out Iran and palistine.We have the capability and they continue to harbour and sponsor terrorism.Just bomb the shit out of them.Truly I dont think they will be missed.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 01:22PM

You don't think that might have a slightly unsettling effect on the rest of the world, Duane?
Duane Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2006 06:24PM

After what the French,Russians,and UN did in the oil for food program and seeing the people cheering in the streets when 9-11 happened,dont care.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: January 05, 2006 01:37AM

John,Are you saying in your response to fossil that you would kill innocent americans to make your point?
Duane Report This Comment
Date: January 05, 2006 01:43AM

Check out both statements I just made then comment Im intrested in how people feel about this because this is the stuff that you say they(Freedom Fighter Iraqis)are doing to invaders(U.S.)is logical and right.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 05, 2006 02:03AM

that's the kind of b.s. coming out of ill informed minds.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: January 05, 2006 11:06AM

I think in most cases it where people have a predisposition on something and allow all information,every theory,to be considered true and fact.The opinion they spout are considered gods law because of information they recieved from sources that agree with them or beat up on someone they dont like.From what I have seen it really dos'nt matter how absurd it is just so it takes theyr'e side.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2006 05:43AM


You mean like most of the people on this website like yourself right ?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2006 08:57PM

i don't need to establish your deceptions they are widely known as b.s. B.
yes you have stated some facts....about the past...SOME.
but every single "premonition is pure speculatory conspiracy theories.
you will be exposed in time.
just keep trying to convince might get another vote.
110/12 now.
good time to jump off the sinking ship before you drown
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2006 11:47AM


My deceptions keep coming true. So are they deceptions because they don't happen at the second I say them or because you just don't want to believe them ?
messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2006 12:31PM

Duane, it seems to me that you are the one who wakes up every morning hating everyone and ready to kill them all
Duane Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2006 02:40AM

Hee Hee winking
smiley.No!If you check it out I have people I socialize with on here and I do talk about things other than politics.Ther are people on here that have different opinions and thats cool but Beast is a jackoff.Check his posts they are all political or at least 98.9%.Anything anti-Bush is Ok in his book.
Duane Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2006 02:41AM

All you have to do is go to the box on the left and click on the uploader.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2006 08:27AM


But so much of what I say is true or comes true. I gues you live in denial. Hope you get help and get the meds you need.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 09, 2006 03:38AM

so far all your =predictions= of trials have *not* come true and for what i can remember *NOTHING* you've =predicted= has come true......*what*? no trials, no impeachment, no nada!
messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: January 10, 2006 12:51PM

heh i hadn't spotted that you can click on the uploader thanks for the tip Duane. Yeah you do have a sense of humour that's for sure
Duane Report This Comment
Date: January 11, 2006 03:05AM

Hey we all disagree but Beast is just an asshole,other than that its not personal.Unless it funsmiling
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 13, 2007 07:16AM

blahdblah Wrote:
> Hmmm looks like british soldiers too me...

100% sure they are british as they are carrying L85A2 5.56mm rifles as used by the british forces. And as a weapons expert in the british forces i would say that the item on his chest isn't a bomb if it was they wouldn't be staying so close as the blast radius would be minimum of 100m.