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The looters follow the money.
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The  looters  follow the money.

"a group of people carrying boxes"

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Comments for: The looters follow the money.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 01:55AM

Yep, might have been a good idea to have used some of that $$ to put gas in the buses they let get swamped and maybe made some realistic attempt at evacuating some folks, while saving the buses at the same time, whatta concept!

But ... much easier to have not done so and blame the federal govt. afterwards, after having done pretty much nothing to help out the citizenry with any of the means they had at their disposal.

Sheesh, the mayor outta be brought up on negligence charges ! Whatta moron !
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 04:34AM

Hey Mayor Ray,

Let me begin by saying that I am a Senior Citizen White Male. I am not a bigot. I over came that with the help of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. A long time ago. I thought you were a little over bearing, a bit holier than thou with you're cursing at the President on TV, and your outlandish behavior. But, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I thought you were just fighting for your city. But, now you have played the race card. When you declared that God and you, wanted New Orleans to be a Chocolate City!

I'm not angry, just sad. I think it is time for someone to say what I am saying here. If it has to be me, so be it. I'm old enough, wise enough and tough enough to take your kind.

If you were a white man/mayor and made the opposite remarks that the city needed to be a "White New Orleans", you would have had every liberal media outlet, the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and maybe even Teddy Kennedy there, to serve your head up to the nation on national television.

You would be stripped of your political duties and reduced to a racist pig and kicked out of office in disgrace. Luckily for you, you're "chocolate".

You need to step down, now. But let's first take a look at your "Chocolate City". The vast majority of crime comes from the "chocolate factory". The majority of welfare goes, to the "chocolate factory". The majority of dilapidated, filthy housing is owned or inhabited by the chocolate factory". Eighty eight percent of the chocolate babies born in your city are illegitimate, when was the last time you devoted time to that disgrace?

The poor public education system, the worst in America, is run by and inhabited by the "chocolate factory". Just look at all of the "chocolate city" public housing eyesores. Why, you could never get rid of that demoralizing part of your city, but Mother Nature did!

Just who do you think built the city? The French Acadians were not chocolate. Who do you think fills the majority of restaurants, hotels, conventions, or even the Superdome on Sundays, chocolates nope, white folks that love the city.

Why 30-40 years ago, New Orleans was not a black majority city, and it was the crown jewel of the South. But since then, New Orleans has had four "chocolate" mayors, and this city has been spiraling down the tubes ever since! Just check your own record.

I know, I grew up there as a teenager. I could walk the streets unafraid of anyone, and now when I visit I carry my firearm with me everywhere. I have had three cars stolen there. I have been mugged twice, until I gave up my Saints season tickets and forgot about your city.

Corruption and "reverse racism" has plagued your city for far too long. You had a chance to rebuild a better city, one that welcomed all people, but you chose to be a bigot! You chose to be the worst kind of bigot, one that has the safety of being black, and can say what you want and not have to suffer the consequence of your words or deeds.

You are a disgrace to the dream that Dr. King died for. I just hope that all the chocolate people of New Orleans don't feel the way your smug self does, for if they do, they will never be anything other than what they were before the Big Wind Blew. I hate bigots like you and hope you learn from all of this, but I bet you won't!

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 05:38AM

who cares if most americans haven't heard of the "New Orleans Levee Board". There are thousands of local boards and commissions that most americans have never heard of.

It's already been proven that the federal government (who took back billions from levee construction) and the army corps of engineers (who ordered the halt of construction to the levees) were to blame for the ill constructed levees in NOs.

Since ACE fucked up the contruction of the levees in NOs there is no reason to trust those people again.

Lame try.

Anonymous@238240 ... 100% manure. You don't know the first thing about NOs. You are a piece of shiite racist. Nothing more. I'll bet you are white trash to boot. Not even blue blood to explain your snobbery. You would be fetching scraps from a rich white person's garbage.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 12:28PM

Beast,realize that you are a joke and move on.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 01:19PM

Anonymous@238240, dead on and well said :>winking
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 04:28PM

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2006 08:26PM

Duane the Tard .. I'm only a joke to those in denial
9013052132 Report This Comment
Date: March 08, 2006 06:26AM

Good one, 238240. Forward that to Nagin's office.