Anonymous Report This Comment Date: August 03, 2006 03:20AM
What magazine is this ?
Anonymous Report This Comment Date: August 23, 2006 01:36PM
Jack Sopher Report This Comment Date: December 28, 2010 05:24PM
Hi Kari,
This seems like an ideal Mythbusters project.
I just saw an advert about a product which is supposed to increase car mileage
by about 40%.
It consists of a water tank, an electrolytic "cell" thru which he
passes electricity and water, breaking up the water into hydrogen and oxygen.
The power is received probably from the alternator and the gas output is
connected to then air intake of the engine. I dont know if he is just pumping
the hydrogen or the hydrogen as well as the oxygen from the electrolysis of
In my opinion the gadget just loads the engine even more and actually lowers the
gas mileage, and also hydrogen does not have as much energy as gasoline, but who
knows? sometimes a harebrained idea may work surprisingly well.
By the way, i have been watching the program on and off and it looks like you
are more perceptive and understand underlying principals much more clearly that
any of the others.
Jack Sopher