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Rally at U.N.
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Rally at U.N.

"a man holding a sign"

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Comments for: Rally at U.N.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2006 11:36PM

Why? Israel is a terrorist nation.
jordan1st Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2006 12:15AM

tell me about it beast!! and what anti israel policy at the UN!!! that guy must been asleep for the past 50 years
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2006 12:12PM

You people are fucking idiots.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2006 01:58PM

Hey jordan, maybe that guy has been running away from suicide bombers for 50 years
jordan1st Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2006 03:31PM

yeah and maybe the sucide bomber's family was running away from poverty,oppression,injustice, ,snipers,assasins,check points,bulldozers, artillary shells, F-16's, Tanks,attack helicopters and DEATH for the past 50 years.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2006 08:02PM

It is really stupid blowing yourself up no matter what their gripe is. The intelligent person kills his enemies without killing himself so he can kill some more, the suicide bomber gets only one shot. Besides, their problems were all brought on by themselves.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2006 08:37PM

jgoins ... chickenlittle

glad you decided to enlighten us with your moronic thought.

"The intelligent person kills his enemies without killing himself"

according to who ?

You like many americans haven't realized that islam is the recruiting tool for military groups fighting against the west. It is a tool.

There is no difference between a suicide bomber and a US soldier who believes the US propaganda and gives his life for false causes like Iraq.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2006 10:18PM

except maybe the = HOMICIDE = bomber kills himself on purpose.
festus Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2006 02:14AM

Jordanist the fact of the matter is,is that you got
your ass kicked in 1948 and 1967 and you nutbars just won't let it go.Find a new hobby for fucks sake.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2006 11:38AM

A big difference between suicide bomber and a US soldier is the suicide bomber gets only one shot and a good soldier gets thousands. Even a moron like you beast can see that. Blow yourself up and maybe take out a handful of people or open fire from protective cover with a squad of your buddies, inetlligent people can see the better method. Beast=terrorists sympathizer.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2006 04:50PM

jgoins = Bush Apologist and guerrila warfare novice.

You really are a moron. Numerous US commanders have testified before congress that suicide bombers have a larger kill ratio than your average soldier because they choose dense populations of people to hit.

This is why suicide bombings are scary. The kill ratio is very high.

The average US soldier has shot or killed less than 2 people. That kill ratio is very low. That includes US soldiers shooting Iraqi civilians.

Keep trying. Maybe your bs will align with the facts one day.
jordan1st Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2006 05:07PM

festus i guess that you are one jewish motherfucker.talking big and defending israel while your cowardly living in the states. if you love it that much go live there and defend it from the "carzy muslims" that are killing the poor innocent harmless jewish settlers everyday.

ps: all settlers are armed, therefore they are not considered civilians.
festus Report This Comment
Date: September 25, 2006 05:40AM

Did i strike a nerve buddy? lol

So because I know some history and dates I'm a Jew?

I'm far from being a Jew you stupid camel jockey.

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" Alfred E. Neuman
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 25, 2006 06:24AM

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it"

Probably the most misused and inaccurate statement ever made.

It was said by spanish philospoher George Santayana and his meaning was not that you could predict or avoid events in the future. It was that you would be able to cope and get beyond a similar event should it happen again.

Psuedo-Intellectuals in the US are the most arrogant bastards on the planet to think anyone could predict the future from looking at the past. LOL!
festus Report This Comment
Date: September 25, 2006 09:11AM

I'll make a prediction right now.You are going to
an asshole the rest of your life.LOL!

So by your wisdom Beastiality-Boy you're saying that
any person that makes a mistake in their life can never learn from it? They cannot remember a mistake
and make sure they don't do it again be it something at work or a vice or just daily common occurences? If i stuck a fork in an electrical receptical when I was four years old and got a wicked jolt and slighty burned I would probably not want to do that again.You treat the quote I mentioned like some hocus pocus Nostradamus clair-voyant bullshit when the quote clearly says
"*LEARN" not "*PREDICT".Clue in you 3am info-mercial watching tin foil hatted fruit-loop.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 25, 2006 11:28AM

When beast and others resort to insults it is clear they lost the debate. Insult me all you want it will get no rise.
festus Report This Comment
Date: September 25, 2006 08:05PM

Insults just make it more fun,I don't think that because someone makes a funny insult that means they
concede the argument.
festus Report This Comment
Date: September 25, 2006 08:07PM

I laff my head off everytime i see

Festus-the moron



Duane the tard


cantlogin Report This Comment
Date: September 26, 2006 03:25AM

Beast:"There is no difference between a suicide bomber and a US soldier who believes the US propaganda and gives his life for false causes like Iraq"

Funny how cowards always try to justify their snivelling ways by deriding the things they should be emulating.

At least some chicken-shits have the grace recognize the valour of these men and women even though they won't do it themselves.You?You can't even do that.I feel reall sorry for you.It must be hard to look in the mirror every fuckin' day.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 26, 2006 11:06AM

You people keep equating the suicide bomber with our soldiers who died instead of equating them with our soldiers who live like you should. The suicide bomber has only one shot, the soldier has many shots. I would rather have many shots capable.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 27, 2006 04:46AM

jgoins .. chickenlittle

Keep dreaming bitch. Tell yourself whatever lies you need to to keep from going crazy. Ahh ... the muslim fanatics are coming. Jihad .. jihad.

LOL! you fucking moron.

BTW cunt, chickenlittle is not an insult. It is an accurate description of your viewpoint.

Cunt is an insult. I think you got that.


what fag boy?

There is no valor in participating in an illegal military action. None.

You are such a shmuck that you don't know that 50% of US soldiers don't know what they are still doing in Iraq.

They all know that their were no WMDs and Saddam is gone, so why are they there. They don't know.

jgoins .. chickenlittle

You can't combat the stats.

Suicide bombers killer more per bomb than US soldiers per tour.

You sure have a problem listening to military commanders reports to congress.

You must live in fantasyland.
jordan1st Report This Comment
Date: September 28, 2006 06:13AM

hey hey the issue here is the ANTI ISRAEL POLICIES AT THE UN.!!!!

did any of heard of such thing since the UN was FOUNDED?

did israel ever comply to any UN resolution upon it?

(well that fucker with the poster should be burned alive and then pissed on.)"thats for you festus, you love that line."