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Rush: "I love to suck big brown dicks."
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Rush: "I love to suck big brown dicks."

"a man smoking a cigar"

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Comments for: Rush: "I love to suck big brown dicks."
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2006 02:53PM

hahaha! Suck it, Rush!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2006 03:44PM

Whata life, pills and cigars! When I see a Dick like that smoking a cigar it's great, Cancer......
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2006 09:15PM

Well now we know what corner you guys are fighting out of. Dick on your mind, and I don't mean Richard.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 21, 2006 09:39PM

Libs are great,they have all the answers.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 12:31AM

Roger that. WE in fact, do. Republifucks just keep screwing things up faster than we can fix 'em.....
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 12:40AM

pray tell....what have they fixed? snicker snicker
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 01:03AM

the minum wage,got rid of rummysfield......for starters
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 01:31AM

minimum wage was inevitable.
rumsfeld? who knows for sure his deal. bail/jail or does W stiffle Rummy's aspirations?

I'm bettin' beast knows for sure smiling bouncing smiley
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 01:38AM

NEOCon Republicans ...

good for

1. letting their members prey on underage pages.
2. increasing federal spending and doubling the national debt
3. increasing the total number of federal employees thus creating BIGGER government.
4. getting the country involved in the occupation of two middle eastern nations thus sparking MORE terrorism is the future.
5. lying about all of it after they conduct their misdeeds.

NEOcons are ruining the republican party, the country, and the world.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 02:04AM

I'll buy #3 and they should start with your job with all the time you spend on their computer.grinning smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 02:09AM

#5 makes them sound like Sandy, Bill, and Hillary. Maybe when they fire you it will be a chance to get that job as Ted Kennedy's secretary and fuck him then get left in the river to die.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 03:23AM

Yeah, we should have stayed out of those countries the way we stayed out of Germany long enough so the nazis could really get the slaughter going. How many American lives did that cost? How many lives in all? Because we wanted to ignore what was going on 'til we had to shut the barn door after the horse was already loose. And now the world has become a much smaller place with much bigger bombs for the jihadists to play with if we let them get their hands on them. No one in America wants to lose American lives though you've deluded yourself into believing that Bush is doing it for personal reasons - he may not be the brightest but he's certainly not that evil - but if we learned anything from the aftermath of WWI and from WWII it's that you can't abandon a country once you've defeated it's government and you can't wait around while people who want to kill you build up their strength. We've got a foot in the door now that we didn't have in the 1930s, a presence in the region, and while we're in this boxing match of a war we're hopefully using up their strength in small skirmishes rather than letting them gather their forces for a real war. Nothing is certain, it could yet become a larger war, but if we give them half a chance it'll be a large war anyway. You just can't use reason and diplomacy with these extremeists whose sole intention is to kill you, that's a fools errand. They only understand strength and in their eyes all your whining proves to them that you are a weak infidel that doesn't deserve to live.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 05:37AM

aDCBeast Wrote:
> NEOCon Republicans ...
> good for
> 1. letting their members prey on underage pages.
> 2. increasing federal spending and doubling the
> national debt
> 3. increasing the total number of federal
> employees thus creating BIGGER government.
> 4. getting the country involved in the occupation
> of two middle eastern nations thus sparking MORE
> terrorism is the future.
> 5. lying about all of it after they conduct their
> misdeeds.


can't you dolts see that it is the capitalists... ooo nvm on that but haha... we shall see what happens soon...
> NEOcons are ruining the republican party, the
> country, and the world.
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 06:29AM

As for #1, does the name Barney Frank and his male prositute ring in
washington ring a bell,beast?
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 06:46AM

Or Gerry Studds? Shall we discuss his fling with a (gasp!) male page?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 07:15PM

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 08:42PM


Was the prostitute underage ? Was he a congressional page ? Nope.

Nevermind that more Republicans on the hill are gay than Dems. I know you didn't know that. Looks like you pinheads need to do your homework.

Posted by: Anonymous - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: December 22, 2006 01:15PM

How did you manage that post with only 1 brain cell?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 08:47PM

Quasi ... always creating strawman arguments. You're an idiot.

Saddam was not little Hilter. He didn't even rule his own country.

The sunni/shia conflict that is currently going on in Iraq is how 95% of the people who disappeared under Saddam's rule disappeared.

Iraq is a failure because the work was not done prior to the occupation. It's over and can't be changed.

Iraq was better off with Saddam as it's leader. And every intelligence agency across the world knew that.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2006 11:32PM

You're right, Beast, Saddam was a wanna be but he had potential to become more. If you'd pay attention, I was talking about the region and those wonderful Islamic fundamentalists who'd like to see the rest of us dead, they're the real threat and Iraq was just the small tip of a large and dangerous iceberg. And when you think about it, who thought Hitler was a serious threat in 1932? Your grandpa probably thought he was a saint.

We're dealing with some truly evil and deadly people over there and all you can think to do is paint your own nation as a ship of fools and it's leaders as the evil empire. You're the fool if you think we can doing anything but fight these people because if we don't do it now, we'll end up doing it later with a much greater loss of life. I don't like to fight, I don't want to fight, but we will not be given that choice by those who believe their way to salvation is to kill all who do not worship their version of Allah. In the US the Baptists and Methodists have softball games while in Iraq, with the backing of outside Islamic groups, the Sunni and Shia blow each other and us up. What does that tell you about who we are fighting? This isn't just about Iraq, it's about everyone in the region, and ultimately, the world. We cannot stand down now or it will be hell to pay later.

Quasi Churchill
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 23, 2006 03:18AM

Quasi ... still a moron.

Americans are so arrogant that they think they can stop someone or something before it happens despite reality.

Prevention is an illusion that people who think they are omniscient.

We don't stop fires before they happen. We put them out after they occur.

We don't stop cancer before it happens. We treat it after it is diagnosed.

We can't stop a child from taking the family gun to school and shooting his classmates. We can only deal with the aftermath.

We could not have stopped Hitler until 1939 when Hitler took land outside Germany. But it took until 1941 and a 9-11 event to get americans to go after Hitler.

Saddam couldn't light a fart without the US knowing what he was up too.

Saddam had no WMDs. every intelligence agency in the world knew that.

Saddam could not acquire WMDs. Every intelligence agency in the world knew that.

Saddam was a prisoner in his own country. Every intelligence agency in the world knew that.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: December 23, 2006 01:20PM

What are you on, Beast? Everything you mentioned is either partially or completely preventable if someone cares to take precautions. Shit happens often and does need to be cleaned up, but a lot of shit can be stopped before it gets a chance to happen. If I'm an idiot then you are completely brainless. I guess your parents didn't believe birth control works so said, "Why bother?" and then along came you. So sorry Mr. & Mrs. Beast but I told you drinking and taking drugs during pregnancy can cause birth defects, why didn't you listen?
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: December 23, 2006 05:34PM


In seriousness, do you really believe that the political affliation of one
group is any different than another? Power and greed know no boundries and
democrat or republican,most politicians are crooked and "warped" to some
The problem is "we the people" RETURN these people to washington,and they
fear little if any retribution for their actions.
In a few years,the democrats will be under fire for their transgressions
and the political tide will change again.
An honest man does not last long in Washington,wouldn't you agree?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 23, 2006 11:13PM

Yes, when you mutts get into this Rep.- Dem. bickering it just shows how low all of you are, they love it.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2006 03:34AM

don't throw common sense at him, he won't know what to do. smiling bouncing smiley
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2006 06:24AM


That is somewhat BS because the fact is that a good percentage of people in congress are decent minded people. However, NEOCon sucm came to DC in 1994, and a percentage of decent minded people reached an all time low.

Some in the republican party acquiesed to these NEOCon scum so they could take power in the congress. In essense, a group of republicans sold their soul.

I love it how people think on a very surface level about everything. It keeps you from getting at the heart of an issue and solving it.

People think that Iraqis are a unified people rather than accept the reality of civil war.

Idiots in the US think that all dems and all repubs are the same. that there is no difference between NEOCon scum and traditional conservative republicans. And that pointing out how republicans allowed the NEOCons to take over their party defeats any argument about it. That is BS. It aims at punishing the guilty and allowing good republicans to carry on.

That anyone wants to give any party a free pass just because of some bickering is a truly moronic idea.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2006 11:51AM

aDCBeast is correct. I was Republican activist for 15 years until they nominated that piece of shit, Bush. After looking into his background, I realized that he was neither a conservative nor a Christian like he claimed (I'm an atheist, just don't like people lying about it).

I predicted that if the Republicans nominated this asshole, he would destroy the Conservative Movement and destroy the Republican Party as we know it. When he got the nomination, I went Third Party and my prediction came true.

I support someone like Pat Buchanan, but after what these Republicans have done with trade deals, deficits, war, taking away our rights - patriot act et al, phoney war on terror, etc., etc., I would never vote for any of these lying sacks of shit again.

Who would have thunk that the Republicans are so bad that I would support anyone who opposes them - and they use to call me Mr. Republican. Not only don't I support Republicans, but because of their treason and betrayals, I want that scum out of office, to put it mildly.

Conclusion: Bush is NOT a Conservative - never has been one - and anyone who still supports this asshole is brain damaged. I'm not saying vote Democratic if you don't want, but these Republicans are destroying the country. The Religious Right and the "conservatives" made a deal with the devil, and now they're going to pay the price.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2006 01:12PM

Interesting takes on this but wrong.grinning smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2006 01:24PM

Republicans are seen as going to far, Democrats are seen as not doing enough. Mistakes are made along the way and then comes finger pointing. Without party lines involved, I'm for the next president that will kick some ass when provoked. When it comes to people invoking fear through terror I support the guy who wants to bomb the shit out of the area they are from. I don't always support ground troops as a tool because they are only good for war not policing.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2006 10:09PM

Posted by: Anonymous - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: December 24, 2006 07:24AM

Isn't that what Bush is trying to do right now ? Kick ass first and figure out if you killed the right people afterwards ?

"terrorism" by these groups are military strikes by poor people. They don't have billions of dollars to buy the military hardware the US can. If they did they wouldn't bother with lame car bomb attacks and suicide bombers. They would launch missles like the US does.

Look at american terrorists.

Eric Rudolph. Bombed abortion clinics and an atlanta olympic venue.

Timothy McVeigh. Bombed the Murrah Federal building in OK City.

Both were military strikes by poor people. Both were reactions to what they perceived as wrongs.

9-11 ... the poor man's military strike in retaliation for 150yrs of oppression by the west on arab soil.

The common theme is these actions are retaliatory in nature. That is what needs to be addressed.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: December 24, 2006 11:16PM

Are you building a bomb in your basement, Beast? Been scoping out the Ryder trucks on the lot around the corner?
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2006 06:51AM

BEAST- Interesting rant,but just a rant. You obviously hate anything that
isn't democrat,but it's a free country.
The United States survived Clinton,Kerry,Gore,Carter,and it will survive
Bush just like it did Bush 1.
And it will survive you.

P.S. Merry Christmas,Pinhead.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2006 07:23AM


AS you saw in my last post there are other morons like yourself that can carryout those foolish ends.


You should look up what rant means. I didn't come anywhere near a rant.

You should also learn how to read.

I said most in congress are decent minded people. Which I made perfectly clear included republicans. However, I did say that some of these good minded republicans sold their soul when they let the NEOCon scum take of the republican party.

This is why the Republican party is trying to exorcise the NEOCon scum after the american people said "get these fuckers out of here".

try harder next time. That was weak.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 25, 2006 02:50PM

damn near everything you say is a rant. and normally quite repetitive.
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: December 26, 2006 12:23AM

Beast- I'm sorry...I didn't hear your last post.

It was drowned out by the sound of my greatness.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: December 26, 2006 01:36PM

Personally, I think the two party dominance of American politics sucks. Most elections we seem to get to choose between dumb and dumber and all a vote for a third party means is a wasted vote (but a clear conscience). I'm an Independent which means I often have to choose between the lesser of two evils as I've had to do the last several elections. No matter who wins the office, they are going to make mistakes along the way and the finger pointing will go on, but one thing no one can do is let down our guard against the Islamic radicals, and though I truly hate war, in the real world the best defense is a good offense. I don't want to see anyone die but I didn't make the choice and neither did W, the choice was made when the radicals decided they had to kill us - they started the killing and it will continue until we, by force, stop it. Now or later. Bargaining will only postpone it and make it more deadly. We don't need any more Munich Agreements (you missed that upload, Mr. "read your history book" Beast) that appease an enemy so he can build his strength and take more that we'll eventually have to take back.
madhatter Report This Comment
Date: December 26, 2006 08:50PM

Quasi- That makes sense,and it's a breath of fresh air. Kudo's
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 27, 2006 07:52AM


But the best offense, that has been proven throughout history, is diplomacy.

In modern times, offensive military responses have always lead to destructive results for the agressor.

Spare me the you can't negotiate with these people crap. That is Limbaugh bullshit as well as a lack of understanding of negotiations.

The funny part is that US citizens have no clue that their government negotiates with socalled "terrorist" group often.

What was the consistent end to all of the recent presidents who said "the US does not negotiate with terrorists"? Every single one negotiated with terrorists.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 27, 2006 08:03AM


however you expose a naivete with "the radicals decided they had to kill us" garbage.

What do you think the people of the muslim world have said about the United States ?

"the choice was made when the radicals decided they had to kill us"

If you think that this started on 9-11-2001 then you must have been born on 9-10-2001. Where is the turnip truck you fell off?

This started 150yrs ago when the British and then the US went into these 3rd world nations and ripped them apart to serve US interests.

recently retired and Iraq war vet General Baptiste provided a good history of the Iraq problem in a recent TV interview. He stated the idea I just mentioned.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: December 28, 2006 10:31PM

Let's go even farther back and blame it all on the crusades, or all the way back and blame it on Cain slaying Abel. When you get your time machine up and running let us know so we can go back and correct all the historical blunders and inequities that got us where we are today, but these radicals believe we "infidels" should be dead today, will not settle for anything less today, and will be more than happy to fuck up all our tomorrows. I'd be more than happy to shake hands and be friends with them just as most other Americans would, I would be overjoyed, but for whatever reasons they believe their God tells them to kill us and there is no compromising with anyone who believes such and is devoted to doing Gods will.