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All he had to do was admit the Vice President asked him to do it
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All he had to do was admit the Vice President asked him to do it

"a man in a suit and tie"

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uploader: aDCBeast
date: 2007-03-07
Comments for: All he had to do was admit the Vice President asked him to do it
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2007 11:56AM

People need to see things through their eyes, the way they see it they've gotten away with so much in the past (and present) that this is just a part of the business.

Look at percentages, this is just the one they got caught on, now figure out that they get caught on about maybe 1% of anything they do, pretty good profit, huh.

Oh yeah and he'll get some bullshit sentance, 1-2 years at most in some luxury condo "white collar" type place and that's of course only if he doesn't get a Presidential Pardon, which I doubt because of the bad publicity it will give them, but, that hasn't stopped them with anything else so I wouldn't doubt it.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2007 11:57AM

More beast bullshit. Who cares about Libby?
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2007 12:47PM

i Guess when undercover agents are exposed that don't count.Because you (jgoins)hate America.
When Bill Clinton lied underoath about getting his cocked sucked by a fat chick,you your preacher and your mom and the entire Republican brought over 1000 pcs of investigation into Clintons Presidency
When Bush talked War into which our Troops would be sent because of bad intel. And undercover agents cryed foul,you cried foul when you found out it goes all the way to the president.
Jgoins, cocksucker hater. But secret agent killer.

Stop hateing America you Moron,You should not be allowed to vote.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2007 04:13PM

lose the right to vote? wow! that's kinda harsh, don't you think? lmao
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 07, 2007 04:41PM

TacoLoco2000 is Pendejo..
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 08, 2007 03:00AM

jgoins ... chickenlittle

Scooter Libby should have cared about Scooter Libby rather than cover for the illegal acts of Dick Cheney. Scooter should have spilled the beans that Cheney asked him to discredit Joe Wilson by outing Wilson's wife.

Scooter was dumb enough to think that the Bush admin could have a controlled leak. Oops.


Federal Prison is not a walk in the park even at minimum security. Libby will die in jail or be pardoned by Bush. I think the former.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 08, 2007 12:53PM

Plame was not an undercover agent, she was just a bean counter. She was the one who sent her husband into Niger and when the question of who sent him came the only correct answer would be Valeri Plame. Once again, why the fuck should I care.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 08, 2007 11:19PM

Guess Beast is bussy giving head to a tranny w/TS_Lvr..
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 09, 2007 05:20AM

jgoins ... chickenlittle

You are wrong as usual.

Plame, her husband, and operatives lives were put in danger due to Dick Cheney's act of treason.

You should care if your Vice President commits treason to enter the country into an unjustified war that has killed 100k civilians and 3000 american soldiers.

If you don't care about that then you are a scumbag yourself. Well I guess you already knew that.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 09, 2007 01:20PM

There was no act of treason in taking on Iraq. I agreed with the invasion and still do for many reasons. You claim 100k civilians were killed but fail to state how many of them were the Iraqi military in uniform, you just call them civilians. It really wouldn't bother me if all the Islamic people in the region were killed. Now you can try and call me a racist but hatred of a religion is not racism because the religion encompasses many races.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 09, 2007 04:19PM

Beast is pissed-off cause you interrupted his three-some with a tranny..thumbs
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 10, 2007 11:04AM

That is because trannies confuse beast. He so clearly loves men and hates women so when he sees trannies he is conflicted.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 11, 2007 09:42AM

... chickenlittle

Wrong again bird brain. Lying to enter the country into a war is treason.

Your lame attempt to avoid being called a racist was weak as usual.

You also prove that you have no clue that what Osama Bin Laden preaches has nothing to do with Islam. What he preaches is political. Islam only only a recruiting tool for foot soldiers. The same way the US recruits by wrapping itself in the flag talking about mom, apple pie, and chevrolet.

I am glad that time is working against people like you cause time always wins.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 11, 2007 10:59AM

Sorry beast, but time is on my side. You will see for yourself before much longer. Well maybe not, you would have to get your head out of the sand to see anything.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 11, 2007 10:23PM

jgoins ... chickenlittle

If Bush is dumb enough to provoke further military action designed to attack sunni or shia muslims then he will be impeached.

Since the piss poor decision to invade and occupy Iraq, the hatred of the US now extends to muslims who have no connection with 9-11. No connection with Bin Laden. No connection with Saddam.

Regular people pissed off because they have no defense from a bully US military taking their lives for no fucking reason.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 11, 2007 10:37PM

so let's hear THE BEAST PLAN , what should we do?
1. get out now?
2. give them a time table to strengthen their resistance?
3. send in more troops?
4. tell everyone we are really sorry, but here's a cute puppy and a new bridge since we blew up the old one?
5. stay in country and continue the hunt to encourage wanna be peckerhead homicide bombers to come to Iraq instead of coming to America (alot closer)?

this next response should be a classic
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 11, 2007 10:41PM

bush just got impeached and the crown is yours beast! whatta ya gonna do?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2007 11:27PM


I will repost myself with amendments.

1) The only option is to redeploy US troops to the borders to prevent outsiders from entering the country.

2) Remove US patrols from Iraqi cities. The Iraqi tribes will kill each other at the same rate whether US soldiers are policing city streets or not. No reason for US soldiers to die in vain. It is time to make the Iraqi security forces hit the streets to defend their nation internally.

3) Press the Iraqi government to get off its ass. Give them a timetable of 6 months to take over their country. Yes a fucking timetable.

4) Set up alliances with every country in the region to make sure the Iraqi government succeeds. That includes Iran and Syria. We need humanitarian, financial and military aid from other nations in the region to achieve a stable Iraq.

Of course most of these things should have been sought before the occupation began. But the Bush admin has been incompetent in every area so why not this one too.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2007 11:30PM


If Bush just got impeached then we are fucked. That means the true asshole is president in Dick Cheney. Someone who looks at all people as a commodity that can be replaced tomorrow.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2007 02:12AM

see i mostly agree with you yet you call me names?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2007 02:16AM

and we have given the iraqis timetable after timetable. what americans don't understand is the american way of thinking, everything has a predictable outcome, war is not hell, it takes longer than you think, you can' throw a busuness plan at someone who's never experienced one.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: March 13, 2007 11:45AM

I believe our mistake came when we decided to rebuild after we invaded and removed Saddam. We should have just executed Saddam after his capture then moved on to Iran and do the same with them then move on to Syria. Then leave, the region would be so busy fighting amongst themselves they wouldn't be a threat to anyone else for years to come.