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Chew on this one.
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Chew on this one.

"a white sign with black text and a man's face"

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Comments for: Chew on this one.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 02:28AM

Che was one of the first terrorists.
I have bashed many teenagers for wearing his t-shirts.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 04:04AM

anyone who opposes american imperialism is therefore a terrorist... correct?
che was not a terrorist, and instead was murdered by the real terrorists
it is this system that oppresses and kills so many people in the world, and then blames it on communism, which by the way is a system that has never even been practiced in moder history at least
this lie is told so all of the sheeple will continue to not ask any questions and continue to be the slaves for the exploiters
always do what you are told, follow orders, don't ask any questions... just work and toild all of your life until you are nolonger useful to them, to create wealth for them and get less than enough to even get by

or you could grow a pair, ask these questions, use criticism and self-criticism... stop being as a flock of sheep and become as an army of men and women
woberto Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 05:00AM

I wondered who would bite, I didn't think it would be you.
Are you sure you're not relly a 17 year old living in you mom's garage?
Che faught a war to impose his ideas on a country. If you support him, you legitimate the use of use force to impose your politics on other people. You really lose any logical basis for criticism of anyone using force to impose his will. This is, at the end of the day, the fundamental flaw in all socialistic/communistic arguments. You wish to limit free will, choice and liberty to a very small ruling elite and treat the rest of humanity as playing pieces in an inhumane game.

The only political philosophy I've come across that is absent the internal contradictions of the far left and the far right is simply to let each live as he or she will while protecting them from one anothers' more violent impulses.

And to all of those putting so much energy into defending Che...lighten up. The surest sign of a bankrupt ideology is to sidestep the real issue and engage in a personal attack. If you think someone is wrong, stay calm, make your point and be factual. Otherwise, go away.
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 05:02AM

smileys with beerCheers Woberto. Well said.
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 05:06AM

An aside to sHadez. You were a lot more fun before you went off on this current course of leftist rants. I'm not alone and I think I speak for most of the "regulars" on this site. Come out of the dark side, Luke.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 05:26AM

Too much time in the porn hole me thinks
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 05:27AM

zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 10:10AM

what makes this post appear stupid is the immediate realization that capitalism is currently killing more people than communism, that communism killed more in the past but is now being caught up with.

And anyway, I think Shades left-wing stance is admirable, nice to hear an American consider alternatives instead of the scary brain washed repetition of I love my country (but I can´t explain why in a way that actually makes sense).
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 11:44AM

I think maybe adcbeast is dead and now his ghost is in possession of Shadez. We need an exorcist.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 01:19PM

Shadez woke up. You should do the same.

The facts speak for themselves.

Jesus Christ was the original Liberal. Get a grip. Or go screw yourselves.

Either way.....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 03:07PM

"The only political philosophy I've come across that is absent the internal contradictions of the far left and the far right is simply to let each live as he or she will while protecting them from one anothers' more violent impulses."
- woberto

So you'll be voting for Ron Paul..... that's great!smileys with beer
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 03:17PM

"You wish to limit free will, choice and liberty to a very small ruling elite and treat the rest of humanity as playing pieces in an inhumane game."

no, you are completely not listening to a single thing i have said, this liberty to a very small elite is exactly what is going on in this system today... socialism is dictatorship of the proletariat, the working class, the mass majority; not the minority that owns production, that has no concern about the interests of the people, but rather increasing their profits and thus increasing their ability to rule over the masses

"let each live as he or she will while protecting them from one anothers' more violent impulses"
i couldn't posible agree more with this statement, but that is not absent of contradictions my friend
if you really allow each to live as they will, then you wouldn't be able to protect them from one anothers' violent impulses because that wouldn't be allowing each to live as they will... what if you let the kkk do as they pleased?

and as far as personal attack on you, that is not what i intended, but i see how you took it that way with my statement at the end... that was not directed at you personally, rather it was directed to the masses as a whole, the so many people that think that everything is just fine, but either ways i was in error there and offer apology
i really don't put very much of my energy defending che, as i'm not a Guevarist, he did excite revolutionary wars not to impose his own ideas though, but to free people(the majority) from the oppression of dictatorships that work to serve the best interests of the american imperialists
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 03:23PM

and how realistic is that? voting for ron paul will make it so people can simply let each live as he or she will while protecting them from one anothers' more violent impulses.

see this is the type of statement i would attack on a personal level... lol
ron paul is not revolution!
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 04:22PM

Fuck you and your corporate rant . I stand with left just for shits and giggles. To HELL with the u.s goverment. woberto is a punk and so is jgoins. Couple of goverment whores. Just cause they bend over and take it in the ass and LIKE it ,don't mean we have to.

Let me repeat, FREEDOM is not FREE/Then its not FREEDOM...u stupid fuck.
Support our Troops/Fuck em .

i say this :Get out of my country quaker boy>

make a move..
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 05:37PM

"stand with the left" now that is a laugh
"get out of my country" sounds more like the right ideology... with comments like these, you sound no differently than they do
let's take a look at the eight points for attention and trie again...
1) speak politely
2) pay fairly for what you buy
3) return everything you borrow
4) pay for anything you damage
5) do not hit or swear at people
6) do not damage crops
7) do not take liberties with women
8) do not ill-treat captives

although most of this does not apply here really, there are a few of the points that do, and which you have broken
going around calling people "stupid fucks" or using a rascist slur when refering to them when you disagree does not serve your cause... and i know i have to learn and start practicing this advise better myself apparently

lets all start to practice criticism and self-criticism, but also show discipline...
try to refrain from name calling, otherwise you sound the same as some of those that are oppressing the people
and do not ever use rascist slurs, that only serves the right even furthur... as it is necessary entirely for their continuation of their oppression over everyone that we are divided
you need to become aware of your class and come to the understanding that there are many whites as well that are in the same struggle
if we all unite regardless of race and nationality only then can we do what is needed for humanity as a whole
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 07:30PM

smiling bouncing smiley i feel the urge to call everyone i've ever been mean to and give them a hug now. smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2007 07:31PM


hot smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2007 12:50PM

I do agree with Shadez in one respect. When you call people names and insult them then your argument is lost.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2007 06:34PM

Is that true numbnuts?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2007 10:47AM

woberto Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2007 01:45PM

Imagine you're a student in a classroom and it is stiffling hot. You want the widow open but you're not supposed to leave your seat.
Asking the teacher or someone closer to the window is fairly normal behaviour.
Getting up and doing it yourself is also fairly normal, if rebellious.
Throwing a chair through the window is revolutionary. Sure it gets the job done but at what cost?
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2007 07:30PM

that wouldn't necessarily be revolutionary in that case, be more anarchist
if that were the case, that the window wasn't secured down, or bricked up, it would be best to ask the person nearest the window to open it... if the person nearest the window was at all decent that person would do so... otherwise you would have to get up and open it yourself
but in this metaphor, as applied to the way the world actually is, the window is blocked by a bunch of bullies that won't allow you to open it
you have to struggle with them first to get to the window
what is revolutionary is to get the whole class to stand up with you and take the window, you have to make them aware that we can all be cooled down, but we have to open the window, and we need to overpower the bullies, then we can take control over the window and have much better conditions
if it were just a case of opening the window, without all of that additional struggle, there wouldn't be a problem other than asking someone to open it or getting off of your ass and open it yourself
woberto Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2007 01:01AM

Yeah, I was just trying to see how far we could spin this one off topic.
I guess there are forum threads for that type of fun but the one word story died out.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: December 19, 2007 02:10AM