pro_junior Report This Comment Date: June 14, 2023 04:00PM
IDK maybe it has something to do with this?
woberto Report This Comment Date: June 15, 2023 01:07AM
Standing on the outside looking in (great song by the way) the US system is
same but different to most other countries.
You can't expect to understand it if you not living it or "studying"
it (FFS there are actual university degrees in this shit).
But currently I see Democrats as catering to the lefty's with made up jobs that
no society actually needs, and the Republicans serving the working class (kind
Ideologically the Democrats appear to want a kind of liberal utopia where nobody
works and you just outsource all your basic needs to India, whereas the
Republicans want the American Dream of simple jobs and a cheap cost of living
(and guns for all!).
But one thing I am certain of is this.
Not all Democrat voters agree on Democrat policies, and not all Republicans
agree on Republican policies.
So while we all love to stereotype and generalise (this is the internet
afterall) we are still smart enough to know that it's OK to have a different