woberto Report This Comment Date: July 20, 2023 08:24AM
Oh wait, they already are in the stone age.
Sweden, if it had balls instead of immigrints,
should launch one missile into that shit hole every 5 minutes...
...until an actual government is formed that wants to be part of the rest of the
And if that doesn't happen, just keep bombing the cunts until there is nothing
Anon Report This Comment Date: July 20, 2023 09:05AM
"Until an actual government is formed that wants to be part of the rest of
the world. " That's what they had. The yanks, believing in Manifest
Destiny, a lie they made up (that it's God's Manifest Destiny that the
"White American Race" own all trade, assets, resources and money in
the whole world. That is, the world. Destabilised the Middle East.
By all accounts, Iraq was a good place to live once. If you could speak the
language. Not just during the British Empire but for a few years afterwards.
Why did Britain and so on take part in the illegal invasion of Iraq? For the
same reason they condemn Russia doing the same thing in Ukraine: corrupt
politicians who invested in Basic Industries Group. To prevent the yanks
seizing their accounts without pay (the investments are not declared and the
operations illegal) they obey the yanks. And there had been no large, low cost
oil finds since 2000, except in Iraq. Plus juicy contracts and higher interest
paid on government debt during war. Whilst the Arabs look with glee at the
defeat of the yanks in the Middle East, the people who actually started the war
had won before the first shot was fired. If anyone, China, Russia, so on, could
get hold of the Basic Industries Group investor list, it would make an
awesome kill list. It would completely stabilise the world - no yanks
sailing a fleet up the Chinese coast, saying "We can do what we
want.", so no triggering the Maoist doctrine that "The best form of
defense is attack.", so no nine dotted line, no coming war on Taiwan. Just
for starters.
Peter Puller Report This Comment Date: July 21, 2023 08:44PM
by all accounts, Iraq was a good place to live
I am told the same is true for Iran. Thing is, in both countries, people who did
not represent the beautiful, peaceful citizens forced out the benevolent leaders
and got themselves into office.
And that's one reason cited why the West and the Middle East have been at odds
for recent memory. Yes, not questioning there's a bit of the evil of capitalism
involved nowadays, but because the people in charge Now are less friendly to
others and their own people than they were Then.
woberto Report This Comment Date: July 22, 2023 04:41AM
Majority of middle eastern "citizens" prefer a monarch or a supreme
Anon Report This Comment Date: July 25, 2023 08:50AM
Told the same thing for Iran. So was I, by someone who spent months in prison
for protesting. He was a monarchist who skipped the border. I asked another
Iranian who was surprised there were still Iranian monarchists - but he was
allowed out of the country. And that's all you need to know about modern Iran:
the control of 'truth'.