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Has it been that long
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Has it been that long

"a group of cartoon dinosaurs"

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Comments for: Has it been that long
pulse Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2024 12:23PM

I've never really considered its formula, but I always kind of considered fully synthetic oil wasn't made from crude oil/dino goo. But apparently it's usually still the primary ingredient.

So there you go.

I also haven't ever done an oil change on my own car and .. only actually topped up oil maybe once, so it's also never really come up.

I had to top up engine coolant in the car last year because it was complaining (about 6 weeks after the car's first service, fuckers) and had to research what the fuck to even put in it, because it was good friday on easter long weekend and I couldn't just drive back and say "fix my car" and I had to drive.

I really know fuck all about cars these days. I couldn't even tell you what my car's engine looks like. I've only seen it that once.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2024 02:08AM

Crude oil doesn't come from dinosaurs. That claim was made up by a yank company and I forget why (someone told me once, where I live now I don't get to meet many scientists). It's a furphy.

Crude oil is made by natural gas, seeping up through the rock, that's attacked by bacteria. The sweat from that bacteria is crude oil. That's why it has a biological look about it (I assume that's under a microscope).

The meme was made by someone who doesn't keep up with science and, from the writing, either doesn't speak English very well or it was very late.

If you use the right bacteria on fresh grass clippings you start to get measurable amounts of crude oil in half an hour. It's so slow and labour intensive the drill crews are under no threat.

Synthetic oils are lubricants, made from vegetables last I heard, but don't suit all applications. To fully do without crude oil lubricants requires a complete overhaul of industry (not just motor vehicles) and that would first require prohibitive protective tariffs and import quotas set at 0, something the environmentalists, who have no technical or professional knowledge in industry, don't compute, so it's not happening.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2024 02:52AM

Anon Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2024 05:33AM

No prizes for guessing what country woberto.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: February 22, 2024 12:42AM

Anon Report This Comment
Date: February 22, 2024 01:36AM

I don't know why you're putting that up woberto, there are no dinosaurs in crude oil. The post above is modern science. The fact the yanks are not keeping up with the science, well, not our problem.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2024 04:19AM

The fact the yanks are not keeping up with the science, well, not our problem.

Genuinely curious, Have you been to the USA? If so, which regions?
Or, are all of your perceptions of "yanks" based off of television and movies?

Crude oil is made by natural gas, seeping up through the rock, that's attacked by bacteria.
Uh NO. It isn't natural gas.
It's dead dinosaur farts.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2024 05:16AM

I've been to the US several times. And still all my opinions are based off the TV and movies. smiling

I spent a reasonable amount of time in what you'd call the midwest. The rest of the world would say east. Maybe north to north east.

My favourite thing about the midwest is almost none of it is even west of centre (approximately Kansas). At best, it's .. mid.

So, starting with this information I can deduce the average American doesn't understand an atlas. Or a compass.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2024 07:25AM

Pro, take a close look at what's in your diet: vitamin B group, Zinc and protein are brain foods (leaving out Foline for the moment, as that's a recent discovery). The yank diet is carefully made without these - yet they're found in the Atlantic Blue Crab, that the elite eat. It's a very simple system.

I hope your diet is as good quality food as possible (I know not every american eats just that diet, I've chatted online with yanks who grow some of their own food, but they seem the minority). But then there's your education system: competing for lowest cost, when in every civilized country there's a standardised curriculum and I'm well aware of the problem with what I just said:

One of the factors in the French Revolution was the official dictionary, controlled by catholic priests and monks it wasn't organised alphabetically, but by subject, that way it was a simple tool of population control, of mind control (organising a dictionary alphabetically is protestant, often called 'the English manner' as one was published and gained wide currency in England first, but it was previously done by a protestant (possibly Pierre Bayle?), whose dictionary never gained wide currency as it's 90% quotes and notes, cleverly presenting himself as a detached observer to a debate, he couldn't be charged with heresy, yet the dictionary was a hand grenade that rocked the French intelligentsia, sending them on the path to the revolution.

Now about your dictionary: do you accept that Australia, Britain and the rest of the Commonwealth are democracies, even though we have a monarchy? If not, your pretend English dictionary is to blame.

Would you prefer I use a caveat when I say yanks? 'Stereotype yanks'? 'Establishment yanks'?
pulse Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2024 08:33AM

Yeah. Think about it.

Anon Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2024 09:07AM

Do you think I'm overthinking it pulse? I don't understand that image.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2024 09:47AM

Because it's about as relevant and makes as much sense as an answer to the question.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2024 08:41PM

pulse I know you are into this AI stuff but these anon-bots are getting annoying.
confused smiley
The old-skool filter, you know the [[b]x[/b]] thingy, only works for registered users.
I have used it to ignore fossil for years now.
Can you get it to work for Anon and anon & anonymoose even?

I'm still 50/50 on the puller-bot, perhaps that one is a real person, he's too smart for a bot.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2024 12:16AM

Does this work?

Or do you mean you can see the [x] but it doesn't function?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 26/02/2024 12:17AM by pulse.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2024 12:31AM

Oh hey it works. Have to do it each time I login but maybe that's just me.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2024 12:53AM

It sets a cookie. So if you log out, you lose that cookie
woberto Report This Comment
Date: February 26, 2024 03:43AM

pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: February 28, 2024 01:16AM

is Anon a bot?


pro_junior: hey Anon have you been to the USA?

Anon: hey pro, be sure you're getting enough Vitamin B...

PP is quasi jr, not a bot...

as for the "Midwest".. I grew up in Minnesota and never considered anything East of the Mississippi river to be part of the Midwest...more like North Central.

I've seen 47 of the 48 contiguous states (have never been to Maine, Alaska, or Hawaii) and I would say the most friendly, genuine, and honest people are nowhere near either coast. You don't see much in the way of litter or graffiti in the central/midwest states. Massive bum camps only seem to exist in cities on the West Coast.
As for climate, the Pacific Northwest is great from late spring to mid fall, the winter is nonstop grey skies and rain. Winter in the southern states is mild but too hot there in the summer.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: February 28, 2024 03:48AM

I think Melbourne has about the right climate. It can get into the 40s in summer but typically rare. Today is one of the hottest days of the season (2nd last day of summer) and it's forecast to 37.

Winter highs are usually around 12-20
Summer highs usually 25-35

Rare to get a huge amount in the way of humidity like they get in the more northern states here; and without the ridiculous heat of the west. I don't like freezing cold, I hate humidity, and I don't like boiling hot smiling

CBF converting to fake temperature scale but "nice" is suitable. 55-100 in what I've said? I dunno. Something like that.

As for midwest. Most of my time was spent in Illinois. Chicago and Galesburg to be specific. I have been to California a number of times (LA, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco), and have also been to Hawaii (Honolulu). That's my extent of physical US travel, haven't been anywhere outside those places. So I consider myself something of an expert.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 28/02/2024 03:52AM by pulse.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: February 29, 2024 12:25AM

I'm not a bot. But I will try to keep posts short. As for the brain food and dictionary, I haven't watched TV for years, yet my opinion of -most- americans hasn't improved. You have to admit it's mass production village idiots over there - there has to be a method to do that: no one wants to be the idiot.

On the other side of the coin I talked to yanks on Gab (before I quit when my posts were censored) who never said anything dumb, and I know a yank here I get along with, who has never said anything odd (she's been here over 50 years).