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Maybe everyone is just sick of Musk's shit?
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Maybe everyone is just sick of Musk's shit?

"a screenshot of a graph"

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Comments for: Maybe everyone is just sick of Musk's shit?
pulse Report This Comment
Date: June 20, 2024 10:08AM

I don't know what the US is like, but here the electric car market is booming; The Chinese manufacturers like BYD/GWM/etc looks like they're eating every sale that Tesla loses.
Anonomous Report This Comment
Date: June 21, 2024 04:05AM

I haven't heard of either of those, but see some Polestars (apparently the most efficient EVs, at one stage anyway). Teslas are apparently the least efficient, due to draining the battery with 'features' other than driving. But let's not forget the fires, the cost of replacing batteries, the damage to roads caused by increased weight (and running through more tyres) and hydrogen was always going to be a better choice.

Proof there's something suspect is the complete lack of new hydroelectric schemes (new dams on rivers, not pumped hydro garbage), these are the most efficient means we have of producing electricity - the lowest running cost. But nothing's happening unless it will fail.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: June 21, 2024 02:10PM

Hydroelectric is not practical where I live, the land is flat and streams slow moving, but with Florida being called The Sunshine State and millions of acres of open land in the interior it's prime territory for solar, and Florida Power and Light has been taking advantage of that more and more. There is a community called Babcock Ranch (you can Google it) about twenty miles from where I live that that runs on solar with only the normal electric grid for back up, and it is a model for the future - it faired fantastically well in the aftermath of recent hurricane Ian. Whether one believes in human induced climate change or not, fossil fuels are dirty and not sustainable so alternative, sustainable electricity generating means should be further developed and perfected along with electric vehicles. The idea of an affordable car for the drive to work and back home every day, with lower maintenance than internal combustion engine cars, and simply being able to plug in to recharge at home every night rather than stopping for fuel every few days seems practical and desirable for billions of people. The infrastructure needs improving and strengthening but when ICE cars and trucks were developed the only infrastructure for them was poor, dirt roads, it took decades for the smooth highways and fuel stations on every corner to be developed. My dad was born in the time when horses were still the prime source of transportation for local and some longer distance travel, born the same month the Model T Ford entered production and eventually made cars affordable and practical for most everyone in the U.S., and he basically grew up as the automobiles and the infrastructure for them grew too; that shit didn't happen overnight and neither will this but we've got a great head start, the need for it, and better tech to get there with.
Anonomous Report This Comment
Date: June 22, 2024 03:01AM

That's my comment above.

I am always in favour of practical quasi.

Hydrogen fuel cells charge batteries and leave water as their waste. The means of turning water from using hydrogen back into the gases (hydrogen and oxygen) can be carried on a vehicle. Hydrogen is a more compact and lighter energy storage and the tank doesn't need replacing like batteries. The objection I received was that every efficient means of turning that water back into gas (there are about 30 research projects) is no larger than a postage stamp (they are also slow).

Well, find one that works if the car rolls, put 30 in a unit, 30 units in a car and the battery slowly drains converting water back into gases - so every vehicle should have solar panels too. As those units will be slow there should be no problem with reliable use of the vehicle for the owner. I would also be happy with a hybrid: a 1/3 - 1/2 litre petrol engine with a 5 litre fuel tank to also charge the battery. An electric motor for each wheel and good to go.