I'm sure he'll fix things
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I'm sure he'll fix things

"a man in a suit and tie speaking at a podium"

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Comments for: I'm sure he'll fix things
OrangeManBad Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2024 01:58AM

So he knew Russia wanted to invade, held up weapons sales unless they found dirt on Hunter Biden, and now says the war will end if they just give Russia the land they already took….. Yup, nothing to see here.
Anonomous Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2024 03:42AM

Orange, I was saying there will be war in Ukraine in 2005. It's not just the expansion of NATO (to me that was a side issue), but during the Cold War catholic priests and monks collaborated with the KGB and in doing so betrayed their congregation members. A priest held confession and one hour later was writing a report for the KGB. Russia still has those records.

When Napoleon conquered Italy he published a book drawn from the Vatican archives that seriously damaged catholicism. Russia can repeat that in an age where vast numbers of people can read (compared to Napoleon's time). So the damage will be greater. There was talk back then of a nuclear strike on Moscow - completely ignoring the existence of M2, an underground railway, bunker and administrative network below Moscow that's too deep for nuclear strike. It's existence isn't secret, but the map is. It's where they keep their archives (there will be a backup). Therefore the vatican decided Moscow must be conquered.

With the same sociopathic cynicism they used to anoint the Spanish Armada to conquer England, when it was riddled with known problems ("We sail in the confident hope of a miracle"winking
smiley, and anoint half drunk Irish farmers, with their hunting muskets and farm tools to fight the British Army, then the best and most efficient on earth ("Through faith and fervour you can defeat the mightiest army"winking
smiley, they anointed Ukraine to conquer Moscow. The monks and priests don't do the fighting and dying, the ones they anoint do. It doesn't matter how many of them die, they just have to win! It's the monks and priests who would win. Those who believe in them are just used.

Anyone with a brain who looked could see it coming.

When Ukraine fails, and it's losing, they will just anoint someone else. When they run out of people to anoint they will blame everyone and everything but themselves, only caring about defining the history - how people see it.
Anonomous Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2024 03:46AM

Quotation marks and closed brackets = that silly smily face... forgot you need a space between the quotation mark and the closed bracket.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2024 04:01AM

I wasn't aware of Napoleon's nuclear capacity
Anonomous Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2024 04:28AM

I wasn't aware of Napoleon's nuclear capacity

? Do you mean the potential scale of conflict? Whole niches of society in Britain and Europe collapsed as the men were dead. It had a dramatic effect at the time. For the population size, the number of people employed in war and related industries was huge.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2024 08:04AM


When Napoleon conquered Italy he published a book drawn from the Vatican archives that seriously damaged catholicism. Russia can repeat that in an age where vast numbers of people can read (compared to Napoleon's time). So the damage will be greater. There was talk back then of a nuclear strike on Moscow
woberto Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2024 08:37AM

I didn't get any of that.
I re-watched Nick Rekieta's livestream of the debate.
All I got was Dementia Biden & Pshyco Trump.
I would vote for Trump.
It's excellent entertainment for non-Americans.
I love it!
Anonomous Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2024 09:53AM

Sorry pulse, there was talk in 2005 of a nuclear strike on Moscow.

Despite all the talk online about Tusk, yanks, Bliar, I wasn't following any of that.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: June 30, 2024 05:21PM

There are a lot of mainstream media outlets saying all Trump did was lie, lie, lie.. but they don't say what he supposedly lied about...?
Meanwhile, virtually everything Biden said was a lie...

Here's one of them:


What Trump really said:


Even CNN calling out Biden for his lies???


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 30/06/2024 05:33PM by pro_junior.