Mrkim Report This Comment Date: October 27, 2024 04:24PM
If the other border states governors were filled with the same resolve as ours
to do as much as is possible to stem the tide of illegal immigrant crossings,
the invasion of their states could be decreased as well.
Governor Abbot has effectively told the federal Border Patrol to fuck off, we'll
take care of our own border security and has turned what was once a flood of
illegals across the Texas border into a much more manageable scenario.
Though the dems love to say this was all a political stunt, what was reality was
that the Biden/Harris cabal, empowered the DOJ and attempted to weaken Texas'
position by using legal wranglings to prevent us from securing our own border,
which was the actual political stunt. Seems decidedly odd that when the dems
make such claims they are in actuality the ones doing what they claim
When the fed tried to take back control of the border in Texas from the Texas
National Guard and the State Police they found just how little we Texans gave a
shit about their policies and its LACK of anything resembling our borders
Like Ray Wylie Hubbard says in a song "Screw you, we're from Texas"