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"a map of north korea with a nuclear weapon"

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Anonamouse Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2005 07:10PM

Thank god!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2005 07:12PM

I think it's pretty amusing that Bush insisted that we attack Iraq because they had all this WMD when Saddam and the UN inspectors both told him that Iraq doesn't have any WMD...(which he had to admit that he WAS wrong)...when North Korea keeps telling Bush that they have plenty of shit to build bombs with and would be happy to use them on the US forces or any other. Bush knows that he would create a war that he could not win. Pick on the retarded kid Mr. Bush, that's the way to look tough. Why don't you go over and fuck with North Korea there "dubya"? Are you afraid that China might get involved? We'd get our asses smoked if we fought that war. Bush, your a goddamn pussy...and you've killed enough of our troops for your fucked up cause. You have your Iraqi trophy...the majority of Iraq should be able to finish the job that they will have to take over sooner or later.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2005 07:12PM

I think it's pretty amusing that Bush insisted that we attack Iraq because they had all this WMD when Saddam and the UN inspectors both told him that Iraq doesn't have any WMD...(which he had to admit that he WAS wrong)...when North Korea keeps telling Bush that they have plenty of shit to build bombs with and would be happy to use them on the US forces or any other. Bush knows that he would create a war that he could not win. Pick on the retarded kid Mr. Bush, that's the way to look tough. Why don't you go over and fuck with North Korea there "dubya"? Are you afraid that China might get involved? We'd get our asses smoked if we fought that war. Bush, your a goddamn pussy...and you've killed enough of our troops for your fucked up cause. You have your Iraqi trophy...the majority of Iraq should be able to finish the job that they will have to take over sooner or later.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2005 07:13PM

sorry for the double entry there....613 isnt responding as quickly as it used to it seems.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2005 11:35PM

Try reading [] It says that the US military success in a North Korean invasion is not the question, but containing and minimzing north Korean retaliation on civilians in Seoul and Japan is the big problem.
Stiffler Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2005 11:49PM

I'm not sticking up for Bush by any stretch of the imagination. I think the guy is totally lost but I do admit that Sadam was wiping out his own people for fun at a Nazi like pace. This is something that the North Korean leaders are not doing. If they were I'd have to say that the States would probably have something to say about the situation then. We can all sit here safely typing away at our keyboards saying that Bush went after the oil and sucked just about everybody into believing his WMD's theory (I don't beleive Bush for one minute) but in the end getting rid of Sodamn Insane isn't suh a bad thing.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2005 12:44AM

I agree that Saddamn needed to be well as his sons and elite guard....but it should have been done during the first gulf war.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2005 03:41AM

Ac tually , North Korea is a NIGHTMARE!! THey have huge death camps full of 100,000's of people who were suspected of being unpatriotic. 3 generations of their family are also sent to the camps because it is believed there are unpatriotic genes that need to be taken care of. They use these camps to test biological and chemical weapons. The stories I read are HORRIFYING! Defectors told stories about a policy of stomping on inmates' newborn babies, putting inmates in glass chambers while scientists outside take notes while they inject different infecting or poisonong agents, and they do all this without any remorse because they are so brainwashed. They say they believe that the inmates are responsible all of North Korea's problems such as not being able to feed themselves.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2005 08:02AM

16852 where u got these info?

seems to me to be 100% US propagandistic shit
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2005 04:45PM

I believe I got the information from a BBC program, which in turn interviewed defectors from North Korea. Every once in a while some people do manage to escape. Or do you think that the BBC is a US propaganda tool? So easy to just brand everything you don't agree with as propaganda isn't it. It's such a convenient catch-all that takes no skill or intelligence.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2005 04:47PM

Check this out: []
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2005 04:51PM

This World has uncovered evidence of another more chilling evil: that North Korea is testing new chemical weapons on women and children.

Hundreds of thousands of people are imprisoned without charge. It's not because they have committed a crime. It is because their relatives are believed to be critical of the regime and so they are punished.

According to President Kim Jong Il, the bad blood and seed of any dissident must be rooted out down to three generations.

Forced labour and starvation rations ensure that prisoners do not escape. Those who try to are publicly executed.

But this is not the North Korea the government wants the world to see. The authorities go to great lengths to equip all foreign intruders with "minders" and monitor their every move.

Former workers' party official, Sun-ok Lee, was accused of falsifying accounts and tortured in prison

The This World team were scrupulously guarded. The answers could only be found outside North Korea itself.

Reporter, Olenka Frenkiel, hears testimonies from victims of the secret camps who have since fled to South Korea or the United States. And most shocking of all, she tracks down one of the perpetrators.

Kwon Hyok, a former North Korean army intelligence officer, was also chief guard at "Prison Camp no. 22". For the first time on camera, he describes specially-made glass gas chambers used for human experimentation.
knuckle_sandwich Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2005 05:55PM

stiffler. north korean officials are no angels. when i was posted in south korea years ago, north korea was in a food crisis. they started to mix saw dust into the rice to fill the stomachs of their starving people, but yet still found enough money to develop nuclear weapons. good choice. feed my people or nukes. nukes, yes, nukes.
Stiffler Report This Comment
Date: February 12, 2005 01:26AM

Hey I'm no fan of the regime in North Korea I'm just saying that from what I know and understand it was no day at the park in Iraq under Saddams leadership.
It's kind of like comparing Hitler and Mussolini during WWII. Hitler gets all the press because he started the whole thing and the (here comes that word again) propaganda of the time made him out to be the devil himself. That propaganda has followed him around until today and for the rest of time (rightfully so) but if you compare him with Mussolini and what he got into back then, the two match up pretty nicely.
sinner Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2005 07:06AM

bush can go to hell, the fucking cocksucker